April 2022
“Iswear the way Andi’sfeeding, I’ll have my boobs out the whole time we’re at the pumpkin festival next month.” Liv secures her bra and rocks in the rocking chair on the newly oiled porch as she pats Andi on the back.Our girl sure loves the boob.
“You’ll get no complaints from me, sugar.”
Liv rolls her eyes. “Of course not.”
“You know you won’t be the only one. Skye and George will be demanding the boob too.” I’m grateful Liv has a tight circle with Daynah and Nat. There’s no doubt the regular mother’s group catch-ups have helped them through these early days. I just wish I was around more to help. With a bumper summer crop that exceeded our expectations, we were able to offer Riley and Laura work while they study horticulture. There’s so much to do leading into winter.
Liv giggles. “You’re not wrong. All I can say is thank God Andi is starting solids in a month.”
Skye’s continued cries from inside is like a stab in the guts. Liv and I share a knowing glance. We’ve hardly seen Daynah since her and Finn arrived, giving them space by hanging outside, grateful for the unusually warm autumn day. It pains me to see my sister struggle being up at all hours, as Skye barely sleeps at night. If Skye’s day sleeps are interrupted, she fights it, and when she’s overtired, she’s far from a happy camper. Like now.
“How did Laura go with the last of the lavender oil?” Liv secures a fidgeting Andi in her arms.
“Awesome. It’s all bottled for the festival. She’s packaged up a couple of kilos of lavender buds for Sally. She’s comin’ by later.” I can’t believe we have a stall at the festival. It wouldn’t be happening without Bernie’s support. She’s even making lavender shortbreads to entice people to chat to us.
Liv nods. “That’s right. I totally forgot. I’ll print some labels for the honey too.”
Bernie’s SUV pulls into the drive.
“You didn’t tell me your aunt was visiting today?” Liv stands and sways from side to side as Andi coos.
I squint as a shadow in the front of the car catches my eye. “You know Bernie. She loves to pop in.”
“I’ll go change this little one and see if she’ll go down.” Liv heads inside.
A slim middle-aged woman with cropped wavy brown hair emerges from the passenger side. She tightens the tie at the waist of her long cream coat. The ruffled hem of her navy dress kicks out at her ankle boots as she moves to Bernie’s side.
My brows pull tight as the women approach.
Red-faced, Bernie grips the woman’s hand and smiles. “It’s okay,” she tells her.
I can’t take my eyes off the brunette. She focuses on the ground in front of her, her shoulders bunched up.
When they reach the porch steps, Bernie’s watery gaze drills into me. Her body trembles as she grips the woman like she would a life preserver in rough seas.
In the lifetime I’ve known her, she’s never looked at me so deep. The way our eyes and souls connect, it’s as if her heart is pounding in unison with mine.
Bernie nods. “We found her.”
I stumble back.
My heart lurches up my throat as the woman takes the first porch step. I scan her pale face, instantly wanting to reach out and touch her. She pants as if the short walk has zapped her of all energy.
“Jericho?” When her dark eyes meet mine, her chin quivers.
I rub my face, convinced I’m dreaming. “Is it really you?”
“Yes,” she whispers. She extends her hand and smooths her cool fingertips across my forehead and down the side of my face.
All rational thought evaporates. My tongue grows thick. “H-how?”