I shake my head and toss the plastic packaging into a cardboard box. “You obviously don’t think it’s a great idea. I don’t see the problem.”
Finn rubs his fingers across his forehead. “You plannin’ on using Liv as a shield?”
“Don’t you think you should be treatin’ this situation a little more delicately? Not just dropping a bomb like this?”
I shake my head. “Never been good at delicate. Gotta rip off the Band-Aid and get it done.”
Finn holds up his hands in feign surrender. “Hey, this is your news to tell.”
“Damn straight.”
He chuckles. “Word of warning, whatever you do, don’t call her Grandma. She already said our kid will be callin’ her Penny.”
“Ah, she’ll change her tune. Promise me you’ll have my back?”
“Always, but when it comes to divulging family secrets, you’re on your own.”
“Well, fuck. I’m not about to blurt that out, am I? Relax, Finn. It’ll be fine.”
“Famous last words.”
“Yeah, yeah. You got any beer?” I ask.
Finn returns a moment later and hands me a brown bottle, condensation clinging to the outside.
I scull down a few mouthfuls, the cool pale ale soothing its way down my throat. “I didn’t ask you how Daynah was. I haven’t seen her since—”
“You were about to shag Liv in the dryin’ shed? Don’t worry, she remembers.”
“I’m sure she’s not scarred for life. Is she doin’ okay?”
He lets out a mammoth sigh. “She’s fine, but I’m watching her like a fuckin’ hawk. We’ve got scans next week, and she’s nearly halfway, but it seems like it’s wearing her down. She gets pretty tired.”
I swallow hard. “Did the doc say anything about the possibility of the kid having heart trouble?” Dare I ask. “That shit must be weighing on you guys too.”
Finn rubs at the back of his neck and forces a fleeting smile. “It’s a risk like everythin’ else. She’ll probably have to go into hospital early. We’ve been told to prepare ourselves for more frequent check-ups, particularly as she gets further along.”
Sounds fucking stressful to me.
“Just gotta have hope that shit’s gonna be okay, brother. We’ll all be crossing our fingers and toes.”
Fuck me. How in the hell has Finn not turned to the bottle?
Because he has stronger willpower than me, that’s why.
Liv swishes into theloungeroom in a long black and white checked dress. The material sweeps the ground as her bare feet pad on the worn floorboards. Her sweet floral perfume drifts into the room. Open-mouthed, I’m dumbfounded by the beauty of this woman as she secures long hoop earrings.
She gives an overexaggerated huff before a smile tugs at her mouth that reaches right into my chest, forcing my heart to pump harder.One of these days she’s gonna realise I’m not good enough for her.
“See?” she says. “I look like I’m smuggling a lop-sided pumpkin under here.” Liv huffs a wayward hair from her flushed face and drops a pair of low-heeled boots beside her bag. This is the fourth outfit change. She’s nervous, I get it. Seeing the family, announcing our plans for the future. I’ll do what I can to help her relax. She doesn’t need any more pressure.
I step in behind and sweep my arms around her waist to smooth my hands over her baby bump. “Most fuckin’ adorable pumpkin I’ve ever seen.”