She leans into my embrace, her warmth seeping into my bones, then she lowers her head and cups her tits, the weight of them seemingly heavy in her hands. “And I’ve grown a cup size. I’m sure of it. They’re too big.”
I grip her shoulders and turn her around. My gaze lowers, drinking in the sight of her incredible tits. I couldn’t resist if I tried with every ounce of willpower known to man.
“You will never hear me say one bad thing about those beauties. But, babe, you gotta remember this is all a part of the journey.” I can almost imagine her in the not-too-distant future, sitting back in the rocking chair, babe nuzzled into her, feeding.I need to finish that chair.
Blue eyes search mine, a tear sliding down her cheek.Fuck.
“Babe, what is it?”
A laugh bubbles up her throat. “It’s stupid. Bloody hormones.”
I sweep a tear from her cheek with my thumb and bend my knees, so we’re eye to eye. “Talk to me.”
She takes in a deep breath then exhales slowly. “It’s everything. I feel like the biggest frump. I need to pee for the hundredth time today. I’m hot and it’s the goddamn middle of winter.” Her shoulders drop. “And I’m anxious about seeing Penny again.”
I give her a knowing smile. It’s everything on her mind, but I hate she’s worried about Penny. “First of all, all I see is beautiful. Second, you gotta go when you gotta go. Third, you’re an incubator, so you’re supposed to run a little hot. And lastly, don’t worry about her.”
She chews on the inside of her cheek. “You didn’t see how she glared at me in the street after we broke up. If looks could kill...”
“Like I said, don’t worry.”
Liv grips the collar of my shirt. “She knows were back together, though, right?”
I’ve fucked up royally. I told Mick I was bringing Liv, but would he have put two and two together? Did he tell Mum I wasn’t coming to dinner alone?
“Um, not exactly.”
She shakes her head and curses under her breath before burying her face in her hands. “Really, Jerry?” The way she says my name is laced in disappointment.
I take her hands and wrap them around my waist. With my index finger I tilt her head back. Her teary gaze twists my insides. “I’m sorry. I meant to. I’m just not that close to Mum. I’ve always struggled when it comes to talkin’ about the real stuff. But, babe, there’s only one thing you need to be thinkin’ about tonight.”
She sniffs. “What’s that?”
“That I love and adore you. I’d do anything for you. For our family.”
Over the last week I’ve tried to show her I can step up. I’ve cut right back on the booze. I’m trying with every cell in my body to be a better man. There’s still court to deal with, but I have to prove to Liv I can face what lies ahead.
Liv’s small hands cup my stubbled jaw. “I love you too. It’s just... family stuff is hard, you know?”
Shit. Of course. I’m such an idiot. I’m about to drag her into a room full of family when she barely has anyone left. “Liv, I’ll be there for you.”
“I can talk to you about the accident, about my loss, but I’m an emotional basket case. If someone asks me about my parents, family, I’ll probably lose it.” She tightens her hold on me and sniffs.
I tuck tendrils of hair behind her ear and press my lips to hers. “You just squeeze my hand if shit’s gettin’ tough and I’ll change the subject, spill my drink, set my hair on fire, do anything to switch topic, ’kay?”
She laughs, the sweet sound filling my ears and roping around my heart.
Safe in my arms, I rock her gently from side to side.
“What will they think of us? Being a family?” she whispers.
“It doesn’t matter. I can only hope that if we’re happy, they’ll be too.” I press a kiss to her forehead and hold her at arm’s length.
“You sure I can’t get out of this ridiculous dress, and you can take me to bed already?”
I chuckle as she slides her hands down my back to dig her fingers into my arse cheeks. My dick twitches at the thought of giving in and doing just that.
“What I wouldn’t give, but the second we get home, that’s a promise.”