Chapter Sixty-One
“What was in it?”
Bernie slides her hands into the front pockets of her jeans. “The journal was hardly used.Skylahwas written in cursive on the first page, and there were a few pages of notes which might’ve been song lyrics.”
“Yeah, she wrote about her heart laying in the red dirt and green of the valley but dreamed of escaping to the safe haven of crashing waves and dramatic skies on the other side of the world.”
Where in the hell was she talking about?
“There were a few other things that didn’t make sense to me but might help put some pieces together. Who knows?”
“You didn’t think to share this with Daynah and me?” I try to keep my voice level. She wouldn’t do it without good reason.
She lifts her shoulders then drops them. “I chewed on it for a long while. You’re both doin’ so great, moving on with your lives. And you have each other now, which you didn’t have before. I’ve always been proud of you, Jerry. You’ve had your own demons to wrangle with, and I hope I’ve helped you through some tough times. I just thought to bring her up again, with something insignificant would cause more pain. We didn’t know her last name, but now we do.”
“After you talk to Len, can we take a look at the journal?” I know Daynah will appreciate it. Even though it will no doubt bring her to tears.
She smiles. “Of course.”
The loud chime of my phone blasts from my back pocket. I pull it out. My heart booms as the caller is revealed. I don’t hesitate to answer.
“Hey,” I say on an exhale. “What’s happening?”Please be fucking good news. Please.
“Congratulations, brother. You’re the proud uncle to a baby girl.” The relief in Finn’s voice is a balm to my beaten soul. A sweet baby girl. A niece.
The next breath I draw is deep, filling every part of me with hope. Bernie grips my arm as something between a sob and a chuckle blurts from my mouth.
I put the phone on speaker. “I’ve got Bernie with me. It’s a girl.”
Her hands rush to her mouth. “Thank the heavens.”
“And her heart?” I ask.
“Small but perfect.”
My skin prickles all over. “And Daynah?” With the relaxed tone in his voice, there’s no way he could put that on if things didn’t go as hoped.
“She’s tired but doin’ good. They’re monitoring her closely.”
Bernie cries and flaps her hands at her blotchy face. “You tell her I can’t wait to wrap my arms around her. I’m so thrilled for you both, Finn.”
“Will do.” Finn sighs. “You guys should’ve seen how many doctors and nurses were in the room. Like serious. It was like ten-dollar schnitty night at the pub before payday. Hectic.”
We all laugh. Fuck it’s good to laugh.
“There was a team for Daynah and one for the baby,” Finn continues. “Everyone knew their shit and got it done. I’ve got some beers to shout, let me tell ya.”
“That’s fuckin’ awesome, mate.”
“Thanks guys. We’re over the moon. We couldn’t have done it without your support. I owe you big time, Jer.”
“No, you don’t, mate. I’m just... fuck, thank God everything went to plan.” I don’t voice what we were all thinking. With Daynah’s health issues, this could’ve all gone horribly wrong.
“Does our little angel have a name?” Bernie asks.