Page 115 of Sugarloaf Ridge Lies

Chapter Thirty-Seven


An older lady withshort grey hair greets me as I enter Willow Creek Nursing Home.It’s been too long.

“G-Day.” I remove my hat and swipe at the raindrops that cling to my shirt. “Here to see Joan McAllister.”

She smiles and pushes the visitor book and a pen through the slot on the counter. “Fill this out, please.”

“Course.” I juggle the bright bunch of blooms as I write my name.

“There are some vases in the kitchen if you’d like to grab one on your way to her room?”

“Cheers, I’ll do that.”

I find a glass vase and fill it with water, positioning the flowers until they’re sitting right.

Hopefully, Nan won’t have a go at me, seeing it’s been a few weeks since I’ve visited. With Liv at the house, I want to be there more often. With any luck, the flowers will sweeten her up.

Entering the small room, Nan sits by the window, seemingly mesmerised by the rain that taps and trickles down the glass.

“You always did love the rain,” I say, drawing her gaze.

She sucks in a breath and exhales loudly. “Where the hell have you been, boy?”

I hold out the flowers as a peace offering then sit them on the small table beside her. “It’s a long story if you’ve got time?”

She huffs. “Got nothin’ but time ’round here and you know it.”

I drag over the chair from the corner and sit beside her. “I’m sorry. I’ve had a lot goin’ on. It’s no excuse, I know.”

She nods once, her way of accepting my apology. “How’s the farm comin’ along?”

“Good,” I say and push a smile to my lips.

Nan tilts her head. “What’ve I told you about lying?”

“I know, I know. My nose’ll grow like Pinocchio’s.” I scratch the top of my head. “Okay, well, not great, but I’m gettin’ a plan together. Liv and I, and Finn—”

“You talking to that teacher again? I thought she blew you off.”

I snort. “Yeah, well things’ve changed”—Now she’s under my skin, in my bed, and on a sure-fire path into my heart to stay—“for the better.”

I pat her wrinkled hand, which grips the faded timber of her chair. “There’s something big I need to tell you.”I’m gonna be a dad.

I swallow hard.

Holy hell, this is harder than I imagined. But like Finn says, this is a walk in the park compared to telling Mum.

Nan blinks several times in quick succession. She retreats away from me. “Who are you?” Eyes wild, her face pales. “And what the hell are you doing in my room?”

Ah, fuck.

“It’s me. Jerry.” I sigh.How quick things can turn. “Remember? Your grandson?” I reach out to cup her shoulder but pause.

She sucks in a harsh breath and slaps my hand away. “Get off my property before I call the Police.”

Tail between my legs, I step towards the door. But I can’t leave this way. I turn and beg her with my eyes. “Nan. Please.”