“So, have y’all found out anything new about Justine?” Momma asked the question as benignly as if she were inquiring about the weather. She had no idea the answer was about to come out.
“This is a delicate subject, Karen, and Carly has to be careful what she discusses.” Nana stepped in between us quite literally. “Marie is resting upstairs, but she should be down any minute, I’m guessing. She ate lunch and retired for a short nap.” Nana answered my question I’d asked before Momma interrupted.
“I must say, she looks pretty chipper considering what happened to her.” Momma continued with her own thoughts.
“She’s doing amazingly well, I’d say.” Nana was protective of Marie, as were we all.
I really didn’t want Momma there when we spoke with Marie about Justine, and I wondered how to get her to leave. “So, what’s happening today?” I tried to be subtle.
“We’re firming up some of the details for the ceremony. The flowers, the photographer, and the tent rental are all confirmed. I’ve got a picture of my dress. Here, look.” She pulled up her phone and showed me what looked like a wedding gown, except it didn’t reach quite to the floor.
“White?” I couldn’t help myself.
Mom scoffed. “It’s a baby pink. You can’t tell by the lighting.”
I stated the obvious. “It looks like a wedding gown.”
“Well, of course it does. I couldn’t wear any olddress. Isn’t it gorgeous?”
“Yes, it’s lovely, Momma.” I wouldn’t argue over that.
I glanced over at Nana, who pretended to be busy tidying up a stack of wedding magazines. It’s funny how I could almost read her thoughts. They were the same as mine. My mother was going way overboard and throwing herself a second wedding because she adored attention. But it wasn’t my event and if Momma wanted to throw a wedding, who was I to judge? I honestly let it go then. What had I been so rigid about anyway? She loved Daddy and he loved her.
“What’s on your agenda today, Carly?” Nana asked.
“Lisa and Tanner are coming over in a bit to talk with Marie about some details. They’ll need privacy for their conversation.” I had to say it, and I knew Nana wouldn’t take it personally.
“Well, I guess we all know who’s going to have to clear outta here when they arrive.” Momma made everything sound like it was a personal affront.
I didn’t respond to her passive aggression.
“Can I make y’all some lunch?” Nana asked.
“No. I’ll make a pitcher of iced tea and cut up some lemon slices. That should do it.”
“There’s some turkey, ham, lettuce, and tomatoes in the fridge if anybody’s hungry while they’re here. Oh, and I’ve got some fresh cheese straws in a container on the counter you can serve with the iced tea.” Nana had a plan, of course.
“Well, I’ll get out of the way. Tell Marie I’ll see her again soon.” Momma air-kissed my cheek. “You might want to make sure your dress fits so we don’t end up having to get it altered at the last minute.”
The oddly lavender dress hung in my closet waiting for the big day. “It fits. I’ll try it on again just to be sure.”
“I can’t wait to see the three of you together all dressed up.” Momma sounded giddy at the thought. And she was happy, which loosened my heart a little toward her.
“We’ll look like bridesmaids all dressed in purple.” I couldn’t help but speak the truth.
“You’ll look gorgeous. You all will. And it’s not purple, it’s lavender.”
Once Momma had gone, Nana asked, “So can you tell me what’s going on?”
I sighed loudly. “So much has happened since yesterday.” I glanced upward toward where Marie was. I didn’t want her to overhear me.
“I’ll put the tea on, and we can talk on the porch while it brews.”
“Good idea.”
We got settled on the sunporch and I filled Nana in with what I felt was okay to share. Of course, I knew she’d never betray my confidence to anyone, so I shared more than I would with anyone else at this point.
“You mean to tell me that Carson is Lisa’s father?”