I nodded. “Yes, according to Lisa’s parents.”
“That sorry old coot. He’s done some nasty things in his day, hasn’t he?” Nana’s question was clearly rhetorical and required no answer.
I got a call then. A New Orleans number I didn’t recognize. “Excuse me, Nana.”
When I answered, a woman’s voice asked, “Hi, is this Carly?”
“Yes, this is she.”
“Hi, Carly, I’m glad I caught you. This is Samantha Bonner from Jackson and Jackson on Canal Street. We’ve been looking over your résumé and the partners are very interested in having you come in for a meeting to discuss employment.”
I sucked in my breath.TheJackson and Jackson wanted to interview me. It was every young lawyer’s dream to get a gig at such a prestigious firm right out of school. “Oh, hi. Sure, I’d love to meet with the partners.” I said it before I really thought about it. I had to go,right? We arranged a time and a date, and I ended the call.
“I’ll only ask about that if you want me to.” Nana eyed me speculatively.
“Thank you.” I wasn’t ready to put words to my emotions right now.
We heard the doorbell ring, which signaled that Tanner and Lisa had arrived. Marie must have heard it too because she was descending the stairs by the time I got to the front door to open it. “Hey there. How are you feeling today?” Lisa asked Marie as soon as she saw her.
“I’m feeling pretty good. I had those dynamite crabs for lunch and then a nap. Wait, why is everyone here in the middle of the day?” Marie suddenly stiffened. I couldn’t blame her after what she’d experienced.
“We found out some new information about Justine. We’d like to share that with you if you’re ready to hear it.” Tanner’s voice was comforting and strong and I had a strong urge to be beside him during this difficult conversation. Breaking hard news was tough for anyone. Tanner had a tough exterior, but I’d seen firsthand how hard he’d fought to save Marie. The last thing he would want was to hurt her as the messenger.
“I-I’m not sure.” Marie’s hand shook as she reached for Lisa’s.
“Why don’t we all go out on the porch? Nana’s made some sweet tea.” I suggested this because the porch was a soft, comfortable setting. It’s where bad news was often broken around here. How hard would it be to leave here now if I got this job? To leave Tanner, my family, and my home?
“I’ll do the tea.” Nana nodded and went into the kitchen to prepare the tray while I escorted the others out on to the porch.
Once they were seated—Lisa next to Marie—Lisa took Marie’s hand gently and began, “Marie, I spoke with my parents today and they finally told me the whole truth as they know it. Justine and my parents were friends during the time she became pregnant and when she gave birth to me, as I’m sure you figured out by my questions the other day.”
Nana came in quietly with the tray bearing a pitcher of tea and glasses with lemon wedges attached to the sides of them. Everyone except Tanner took one.
Lisa continued speaking. “Justine was at a carefree time in her life, one where she wasn’t thinking so much about consequences, as young people often do. Apparently, she fell for a married man.”
Marie inhaled sharply. “What? She was sleeping with a married man? How awful.”
“I know this is a bit shocking, but nobody is judging her. She was your daughter and you loved her—and she loved you and her dad.”
“Yes, she was a sweet girl, but she always had a bit of a streak for the bad boys, even in high school. It worried her father and me.”
“Well, we’ve learned that my biological father is Carson Carmichael.” Everyone braced for Marie’s reaction.
Marie’s eyes went immediately to Tanner when she heard this. “Oh, my. I’m so sorry, Tanner. That must’ve meant Carson was cheating on your momma.”
“Yes, it was quite a blow to know he’d done that to my mother.”
“Are you okay?” Lisa asked Marie.
She nodded and sighed. “I can’t change any of it. I knew something was off back then. My daughter had changed somehow, and I felt as if I was losing her.”
Lisa darted a glance to Tanner and then to me. “We also found out that Arthur Keller offered to raise me as his own, but Carson was angry that Justine hadn’t aborted the pregnancy. They fought one day when Justine was with them both and Justine got between them.”
Marie’s hands covered her eyes. “Is that how she died?”
Lisa nodded. “She fell over a railing and was killed instantly. There was no pain.”
Marie fought to control her tears. “My poor girl. I’m so glad she had the baby though—you.” Marie looked at Lisa. “You’re so beautiful, and I’m lucky you found me.”