“Do you want me to go?” Knox understood. He was a novelty. They could have something lasting. He wasn’t such a bastard that he’d want them to sacrifice forever for an afternoon of fun.
Both Kennedy and Marcus responded, “No.”
“Maybe this is how it was always meant to be.” Marcus reached across Kennedy and wrapped one of his broad hands around Knox’s wrist, tugging him so that he landed beside them. The manacle his fingers made did nothing to make Knox less aroused. “You and I are both too cautious. Maybe we needed a push, a wild card to get us moving in the right direction.”
Knox thought that was a nice way of putting it. They were stable. He constantly imploded. For once, he wished he could get it together and be more like them. The only way he could think to express himself was to show them how much he admired them.
“Less talking. More kissing.” He nipped Kennedy’s earlobe before stretching out along the full length of her and claiming her mouth.
She practically purred between his parted lips, moaning when he slipped his tongue inside and toyed with hers. Then he backed off and nudged her chin to the side, offering Marcus a turn. He couldn’t say how long they spent lying there, enjoying the simple pleasure of learning each other’s responses and seeing which man could turn her on the most.
Eventually, he moved beyond her mouth, licking her neck, sucking gently and raking his teeth below her ear when Marcus was taking his turn tasting her lips. The other guy did the same on her other side, murmuring reassurance in her ear in between sensual caresses.
It was slow and shockingly easy. As if they had eternity, not only this short intermission before the Vipers tracked him down and got their revenge.
No, he wasn’t going to think about that now. Wasn’t going to worry or sabotage what was undoubtedly going to be the best moment of his life. Knox ran his fingers through the silk of Kennedy’s hair. He traced the ball of her shoulder, then slid downward until he could lace his fingers with hers.
She held on tight and so did he.
“I wish we’d had a chance to plan,” Marcus grumbled. “I would have done something more romantic. Gotten flowers or some candles or something.”
“That’s not real life.” Kennedy shook her head.
Knox winced. It should have been for her. He could have made it happen all those years ago, but he’d been too young, too lost, to know better. He had more in common with a villain than a prince at this point, but he intended to do his best to make their time together fairytale-worthy.
“For today, it’s your reality,” Marcus promised.
“So far you two are all talk and no action.” Kennedy pouted, clearly ready to move to the next level.
Knox couldn’t help it—he grinned. She was adorable when she was horny. He teased, “You don’t like kissing?”
“Don’t act like that’s enough for you.” She rolled her eyes.
But the weird thing was, Knox got more pleasure from kissing her than he had from fucking…or being fucked…in the past. Being inside her had been sweet torture and he wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to last this time around. So for now, it was plenty.
Marcus indulged her impatience, though. He slid his hand beneath her sage green tank top with tiny spaghetti straps and spanned her flat stomach, stroking it with a single pass of his huge palm. She gasped and squirmed, leaving Knox to swallow her passion before kissing her some more.
They only paused making out to allow Marcus to peel the thin shirt from her. Knox stole a glance of her small breasts tipped with tight nipples before continuing his exploration. Kennedy reached up, buried her fingers in Knox’s hair, and tugged a little as Marcus began to knead her chest.
When Marcus nudged Knox’s face aside with his own, Knox took up where the other man had left off, strumming his thumb over the hard peaks of her breasts. The day before, his hands had been bound. Touching her now, the satin of her skin gliding against his rough fingers, made him groan.
“You going to make it?” Marcus looked down with a smirk.
“I hope so.” Knox clamped one hand over his rock-hard cock through his jeans, as if that would settle it down. “But I need to taste her.”
Marcus looked to Kennedy, who arched off the bed. She wheezed, “Please do.”
Knox didn’t need to be told twice. He opened his mouth wide to cover as much of her breast as possible before slowly closing it, dragging his lip-covered teeth over her flesh. And when he had just her nipple in his mouth, he began to suck and lave it with his tongue.
“Oh shit.” Kennedy shuddered under him and Marcus, her legs instinctively spreading wider, knocking into both of them where they lounged on either side of her.
Knox petted her svelte abdomen as Marcus took advantage of her distraction to unbutton her jeans and begin working them down her hips. He placed a kiss on every square inch of her skin that he exposed. “She’s so beautiful, isn’t she?”
“Mmm.” Knox wasn’t about to release her tit from his mouth long enough to answer with actual words when his agreement was so obvious.
When her pussy, shrouded by pale pink lace underwear, was bared, Marcus nuzzled it, breathing deep but refusing to be distracted before he’d finished undressing her. Instead, he kissed his way down one thigh while massaging the other. Knox shifted to give the opposite side of her chest some attention, pinning her to the bed as Marcus rid her of her jeans and socks.
“Guys, I don’t want to be the only one naked here,” Kennedy practically squeaked.