As slow and gentle as they were being with her, when she made her request, they fulfilled it immediately. Marcus had to stand and do a few contortions to get his zipper undone without maiming himself given the absolute raging erection he was sporting. His briefs couldn’t hide the outline of his dick, which stretched nearly to his hip as it strained the cotton. There was only so much the poor underwear could do to hold him back. And when he peeled them off, his cock hung thick and heavy, bouncing some, between his muscled thighs.

Knox had the urge to suck it. To take Marcus as deep into his throat as he could manage, but as if by some tacit understanding, he and Marcus opted to make Kennedy the focus of their encounter.

“Damn,” Kennedy whispered, snaking her hand toward her pussy as if they were going to make her take care of herself. Old habits died hard, he figured. Then she looked at him. “You too.”

“I’m not nearly as impressive.” Knox huffed out a self-deprecating laugh.

“Tell that to someone you didn’t get off in like ten minutes flat.” Kennedy shoved his shoulder and beamed up at him, making him feel as if he had a porn-worthy endowment like Marcus.

Marcus chuckled and stroked himself a few times as Knox rid himself of his clothes. Then he couldn’t help jerking his aching cock too. He and Marcus hovered over Kennedy, appreciating every damn bit of her. As if her confidence grew because of their awe, she reached out, knocking their hands aside so she could work their cocks for them.

Marcus broke first, tugging away from her before slipping her panties from her long, long legs. Figured, he wasn’t the sort to rip them off like Knox had the day before. But he was definitely the kind of man to make sure his woman was satisfied before he so much as thought of burying himself inside her.

Knox stared as Marcus wedged his broad shoulders between Kennedy’s thighs and opened her to his intimate inspection. He trailed the tip of his middle finger down her slit, grinning when she bucked upward. Instead of sliding it inside her right away, he placed a row of kisses across her mound before lapping a path across her entire slit and back.

Only when she cursed and clutched the bedspread in one fist did he bury his face in her pussy and begin to eat her in earnest. Knox had to release his grip on his dick as her mewls of pleasure began to rain around them or he risked spraying her with his release before they’d barely gotten started.

Instead he returned his focus to her mouth, swallowing every sound of rapture she made as his hand romanced her chest, pinching, rubbing, and cupping. When he looked downward, Marcus had brought his hand up once again and was fitting his index and middle fingers to her opening.

Kennedy undulated beneath them, her body begging for more.

So they gave it to her. Marcus worked his digits within the tight, tight clutches of her pussy. He groaned as her heat and wetness surrounded him. His ass clenched as he rubbed his cock on the mattress and redoubled his efforts.

Knox tried not to be jealous but he wasn’t nearly as good a person as Marcus or Kennedy. “Let me taste.”

He imagined Marcus moving aside to give him access to her core. Instead, the other guy flashed Knox a wicked smile and dragged his fingers from within her. A wet noise that did nothing to calm Knox’s dick accompanied the motion. Then he raised the glistening digits to Knox’s mouth. He didn’t know he’d find that unbelievably erotic until he was sliding his lips over Marcus’s knuckles and sucking the arousal from his fingers.

Kennedy seemed to agree as she called out their names and shuddered beneath them.

Marcus withdrew his hand and slipped it back inside Kennedy, saying, “She’s not going to last long. Why don’t you push her over the top?”

Knox wasn’t sure how exactly Marcus intended for him to do that until the guy practically smothered himself with Kennedy’s pussy, gripped her hip with his free hand and rolled to his back, taking her with him. She was riding Marcus’s face, leaving her ass completely exposed.

Marcus grabbed one of her ass cheeks and spread her wide, inviting Knox to rim her. He understood what was coming, where they were going, and couldn’t wait to exceed even the wildest expectations Kennedy might have had for her first time. So he straddled Marcus to prep her, and if their cocks ground against each other while they pleasured her, well, that was a very happy accident.

Knox took over for Marcus, using his hands to spread Kennedy’s ass wide, then touched the tip of his tongue to her hole. She squealed and bucked on Marcus’s face but didn’t tell them to stop. No, she cried out and shoved her backend higher in the air. Marcus raised up to keep contact with her pussy.

The sucking noises echoing from beneath him made Knox fairly sure Marcus was concentrating on Kennedy’s clit. They weren’t going to have a lot of time.

So he got to work. Knox groaned as he used his tongue to lap across the puckered ring of muscles at her entrance before swirling it around the outside and poking just the barest bit into it as she quivered beneath him. He licked as low as he could reach, his tongue flicking over Marcus’s embedded finger for a second before returning to the center of her desire.

Kennedy’s face was buried in the pillows, her shins and the fronts of her feet drumming on the bed as they drove her wild. Knox squeezed her ass then smacked it, causing her to cry out his name.

“You’re going to come on his face, aren’t you?” Knox asked her, wanting her to know that they couldn’t wait to feel her flying apart between them. “Show him how much you love his mouth on you and maybe he’ll give you more than a couple of fingers next.”

Kennedy was incoherent as she clawed the bed. Marcus used his free hand to squeeze Knox’s quad and he understood the message. Their girl was about to lose it.

So Knox pressed his pinky to her hole and licked around it, making sure it was plenty wet as he wedged it inside. She clamped down on him so hard he was afraid she might break him, but even if she did it would be worth it.

Knox wriggled his finger inside her as Marcus put his mouth to good use, and she screamed. It was very clearly a sound of ecstasy that shot straight to his dick, making it leak on Marcus’s balls. He kept eating her ass as she came and came, threatening to drown Marcus as she did.

Only when her moans quieted to mewls and she went limp beneath him did Knox and Marcus show her mercy. They rolled her onto her side and rose so that they embraced her, Marcus kissing her softly before shocking Knox by lifting his face and swooping in for an aggressive lip lock of their own.

Kennedy hummed and reached for them both, rubbing the backs of their heads as they nipped at each other and wrestled for control. Knox let Marcus take the lead just so he could get some tiny measure of relief.

He had to fuck and it had to be soon.

Thankfully Kennedy didn’t seem satisfied with a single orgasm, no matter how epic. “I’m ready, guys. I want you inside me. I want to know what it’s like to fuck for real.”