The sound he made was unintelligible when it came to words, but entirely understandable when it came to feels. He knew she wasn’t talking only of orgasms and playtime etiquette.

This was about so much more than their bodies.

He was making her heart shudder too. Neither one of them would be the same after sharing something this powerful.

“Deeper, Holly,” he barked.

“That’s as far as I can get you in me.”

“No.” He could hardly talk anymore. “The vibe. Angle it. Toward the front. Push it in. Deeper.”

“Oh.” Right. It was getting tough to think, even for her.

She did as he requested. There was no doubt she’d done it right when he roared, “Fuck yeah! Right there. Keep it right there and fuck me hard. Now.”

Holly couldn’t help herself. She bounced on him, channeling the inner porn star she hadn’t known she possessed until that moment. It was a good thing he was teetering on the razor’s edge of rapture with her because her orgasm caught her completely by surprise.

His cock flared inside her, the ridges growing more defined at the same time she crested.

She screamed his name. “Shoot deep inside me. Right now. Fill me up while I fuck your ass. Show me how much you love this.”

What the hell was she saying? It was like the spirit of the world’s most talented sex worker had possessed her as her mouth moved on autopilot. Her breasts were heavy as she fucked him and she used her free hand to pinch one of her nipples.

She looked down in time to see Owen’s ass clenching around his massager and the base of his cock flexing as he did what she told him to do. An orgasm ripped through her, making her strangle Owen’s dick as she absolutely unraveled around him.

It seemed to last forever as she rocked on top of him, eventually falling forward, grabbing his knee to keep upright as she continued to rut on top of him. He met every single one of her motions with one of his own, feeding her as much of himself as he could.

“Holly!” he groaned, getting her attention. “Turn it off. Turn it off!”

Oops. She cut the power, then slid the device from his still-shaking body, making him curse and moan in the process. Only then did she allow his cock to slip from her pussy.

Holly turned around and blanketed him. The rush that consumed her was even better than her climax had been. She began to laugh, then smothered Owen’s face with butterfly kisses.

“I just came so hard I think my nuts turned inside out and that’s funny?” He pried one eye open, as if he was preparing himself for some kind of emotional blow.

“No. It’s just…exhilarating. Such a rush. I’ve never felt like that before.” She made quick work of untying the knots at his wrists and rubbing the red marks there before smothering him in an enormous hug. “Thank you, Owen. For letting me share that with you. It was… Wow.”

As soon as he was able, he rolled over, covering her with his heat and weight. She’d been right to tie him up. He couldn’t help himself.

But damn, it had been hot as hell while it lasted.

“It was.” He surprised her by kissing her gently instead of trying to prove something unnecessary about his masculinity after what they’d done together. “That was hands down the best sex of my life. You know, without the other guys.”

Holly couldn’t really argue, though it was hard to compare the things she’d done with him, Lorenzo, and Trent individually. Each of them was different and special on their own. It was a three-way tie, she figured. She reached up and brought Owen’s face to hers for a series of kisses that helped them wind down.

Eventually he lay beside her, tucking her against his chest. But she wasn’t in the least bit sleepy. There was too much to think about, and too many things for them to resolve before she could rest.


It took a solid half hour of snuggling before Holly was ready to do more than bask in the effect Owen had on her body and her soul. Neither were they ready to fall asleep, though. No matter how much she’d done to wear him out, she could practically hear him thinking.

“So are you ready to tell me what things you’re obsessing about?” Holly asked Owen, trailing the tip of her finger down his chest. “It’s not about solo sex. I can promise you that part is fine.”

He laughed. “I’m worried I might have created a monster.”

She smacked him lightly and joined him, mostly because he might be right. “I can’t wait to try out my new skills on Lorenzo and Trent.”

“See, a very sexy monster.” Owen shifted as though he might derail her with another makeout session, or more. Nope. Not tonight. “They’re going to owe me.”