“Come on, seriously.” Holly figured she would break the ice. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours. I’m afraid you guys will get bored of me. There’s only one of me and I’m pretty sure you’re used to…uh…variety.”

“Not going to happen.” He squeezed her tight. “I’ve sampled all the flavors available and I can tell you that you’re my favorite by far. I’ll never get sick of you—or the way you taste, for that matter.”

Owen licked his lips, making her blush.

He cracked up at that. “How can you be shy after what we just did?”

She shrugged. “Sometimes it’s hard to let go of stuff. Your turn.”

This time he didn’t object reflexively. He took a moment to consider her question.

“It sounds dumb, even to me.” He stared at the ceiling, idly tracing a swirl pattern down her spine while toying with her hair.

“I won’t laugh. Fears usually aren’t rational.”

“Trent has always been one of us. I mean, I didn’t know him when he was growing up rich. Hell, part of me didn’t entirely believe it or understand exactly how fucking loaded he was. But now that he’s rolling in it, what if he changes? What if he wants more than we can keep up with? Splitting the rent on a bigger house is going to be tough. I’m already maxed out, and I’m not the kind of guy to be comfortable riding someone else’s checkbook. Lorenzo can afford more than me, but neither of us has a mansion or twelve in the budget.” Owen had obviously spent a lot of time thinking about the possibility, though she didn’t think his anxiety was warranted.

It went deeper than this single thing. The possibility of falling short cut him where he was already wounded by his past but it was more than that. She tried to understand his perspective.

“You’re afraid of being left behind.”

“That’s more Lorenzo’s take on it. I’ve seen his light on late at night these past few weeks. He’s not sleeping well. He’s concerned too.” Owen cleared his throat. “I wouldn’t blame Trent if he took you and left us behind. Lorenzo would, though. I don’t think he’d ever get over it.”

“I can understand that. But I don’t plan to steal Trent away from you guys.”

Owen chuckled. “You’re cute when you’re naïve, you know?”

She tried not to be offended and to really listen to what he was saying since she knew it was so difficult for him to open up. Holly wrinkled her nose and Owen kissed it.

“We’re more worried that Trent will decide to keep you to himself. And yeah, losing Trent would suck too. I don’t want to say I think of him like a brother since I’ve seen too much of him for that, but… we’re not just roommates either. Not anymore. We’ve been through so much shit, and now some pretty amazing stuff too.” Owen sighed. “Besides, who would get custody of Moose? I mean, you might not have known it when you rescued his puppy-ass that night, but Moose has saved us too. None of us were really ready to let someone in. Not a person, but how do you resist a big, dumb dog? And once he melted our hearts a little, we were more open to exploring with each other to lean on and keep ourselves from getting too tangled up and crushed until…”

“Until what?” Holly wasn’t about to let him clam up then. She kissed his jaw, hoping he knew it was okay to tell her whatever it was.

“Until the right woman came along.” He stared into her eyes. “You.”

Her jaw dropped, and for a moment she couldn’t force anything out of her mouth.

“No matter what happens with Trent or Lorenzo or us as a whole, I need you to know that this means something to me. Thatyoumean something to me.” Owen cleared his throat. “I think you’re perfect for all of us. But if that turns out not to be the case, understand you’ll always have me. Or at least, for as long as you want me. I’ve got your back.”

Holly’s eyes prickled because she knew what it cost him to stick with someone and to say so, to make himself vulnerable to her in ways that went a hell of a lot deeper than allowing her to tie him to his bed and rock his world. The promise he’d just made her was more meaningful than if he’d dropped the L word. In his experience, loyalty and faithfulness had never existed. But he was willing to offer those things to her even if he didn’t think she would return them.

Hopefully, he would come to understand that went both ways.

“You can count on me, Owen,” she promised. “I don’t know what the future holds for us, but no matter what life throws at us, I’ll be here for you, too.”

He hugged her tight enough that her ribs protested a little, but she didn’t dare tell him that. It might have been Moose who blazed the path forward, but it had been Lorenzo and Trent’s friendship had first opened the door a crack, allowing Owen to see that it could be possible for him to form a lasting bond with another person. To care about someone else more than they cared about themselves.

It had taken years for them to build that connection with him. That he would devote himself to her after only knowing her a short period of time, made her that much more determined never to let him down.

In that moment, she knew that she’d fallen for more than Trent, his dog, prosperity, and a life overflowing with pleasure. Holly had it bad for his best friends too.

Trent knew she slept with them. Was fine with that. But what would he think when he realized he’d be sharing her heart and not only her body?

Holly and Owen stayed up talking so late into the night that it was actually early morning when Lorenzo peeked in at the sound of their voices. “Is this slumber party invite-only?”

“Hell yes,” Owen said before adding, “And you’re on the guest list.”

“Let me take a shower, then I’m in.” Lorenzo was already taking his clothes off as he spoke. As incredible as he looked, tall and tan and sleek, Holly wasn’t sure she could handle more sex that night. Fortunately, Owen was on the same page.