“Kason!Kason!”a pack of fans screamed as they raced down the sidewalk.
Jordan tensed.He wasn’t sure how to handle a situation like this.He suppressed his training on how to take down actual bad guys.Though he could neutralize civilians hoping to fill their autograph books without breaking a sweat, he didn’t want to step on Van’s toes.Plus, he had no idea what Kason would want them to do.
“Sorry, guys.I didn’t realize word was out already,” Kason apologized to both Jordan and Wren.Rick, who’d been trailing them, stood back a few feet to avoid being mobbed.“Give me a second and we’ll be inside where we can talk.”
Van moved to intercept the half dozen or so people, who were carrying flowers, balloons, a teddy bear, and a sign that saidGet Well Soon!
Though Jordan was vibrating with lingering adrenaline and worry for both Kason and Wren—who was biting her nails to the quick while sticking close by his side, very unlike her—he respected that Kason took the time to treat his admirers well.He never took anything for granted when it came to his career.
As for things with him and Wren, well, Jordan was giving Kason the benefit of the doubt.How could he agree to work tonight when they needed to regroup?Maybe he didn’t realize how triggered Wren was right now.She needed them to reassure her everything would be okay, even if they weren’t sure it would be.
They were only getting started.Things were still fragile.
Today had shown him that they could easily be broken apart if they weren’t careful.If Kason changed his mind now about everything he’d said and done at the cabin, in the face of his real life, Wren would be devastated.And so would he.
More than that, Kason might not survive.Watching him limp to the bus, Jordan had been more worried about his spirit than his leg.They needed time alone to fix the damage.
The fans approached Kason and gave him their gifts.He accepted them graciously, then turned to go when one of the crowd spoke up.
“Hey, we saw that guy in an article online.”The young man pointed at Jordan.Then he asked, “Is it true that he’s your boyfriend?”
Jordan looked at Wren and smiled.It sent warmth and light through him to hear himself referred to that way for the first time in his life.The expression died on his face when Kason denied it swiftly and a little too loud to be casual.“No!But that woman he’s with, Wren, is my girlfriend.Don’t tell anyone, but you heard it here first.She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”
The guy fist bumped Kason and said, “Hell yeah.I knew that site was trash.Hope we didn’t bother you too much.Glad you’re okay.”
Kason might be fine, but Jordan wasn’t sure he was going to make it.
He hadn’t felt such a yawning emptiness trying to swallow him since he’d watched Johnny’s eyes go blank as his spirit left his body.It felt like his had tried to go with it.And this was no different.
He would rather have crashed a thousand motorcycles than experience the brutal disappointment and shame that swamped him at Kason’s denial of everything they were and had been working toward.How could this man sponsor a program that meant so much to Jordan while lying about his own desires?
He couldn’t.
On the inside, Jordan was shriveling into nothing.
On the outside, he smiled wanly and absorbed the blow.He masked his wounds even when Wren went as stiff as one of her welding projects beneath his arm.After all, he’d been Kason once.Afraid to admit to himself—never mind his partners or the rest of the world—that he was falling for another man.
As the fans trickled off, Kason and Jordan started off toward the bus again.
Wren did not.
Oh shit.Jordan looked back at her then ahead to Kason, caught between them, wondering who needed him more.Selfishly, he also thought for a millisecond about who would take better care of him, then felt guilty about putting himself first.
It had been an emotional rollercoaster of a day.None of them were thinking clearly.
“I can’t do this.”Wren’s voice cracked.
“What?”He put his hand out toward her, still feet away.Was she about to bail?
Maybe for the first time, he truly comprehended how badly he’d fucked up when he’d walked away from her.Not that he hadn’t understood theoretically before, but because if she left now, he wasn’t going to be able to handle it.The thought alone nearly made him sick.He’d already lost the part of him that was an agent.Forging a lasting relationship with Wren, and hopefully Kason, was his purpose.It had given him something to focus on that was positive and meaningful.
Without that…he had nothing.Was nothing.
Kason realized something was off and turned around about the time Wren took a step back and then another.“Wren?What’s wrong?”
“I have to go,” she told Jordan, as tears welled in her beautiful eyes.He nodded, understanding even if he didn’t like it.