The flicker of resentment in Kason’s gaze might have been unnoticeable if Wren hadn’t been standing right next to him.Still, he shrugged.“Everyone’s here now.I guess we might as well take a couple shots as long as we can take them from my good side.”
He gestured toward the cheek that wasn’t worse for wear.
“Perfect.I’ll let the nurse know we’re not going to do those extra tests they ordered.You’re fine.Buck up.”Rick smacked Kason’s shoulder, then shoved through the crowd.If he noticed the unkind looks he got from one of the friendliest group of people Wren had ever met, he didn’t seem to give a shit.
He had brass balls, Wren would give him that.
If that’s what it took to be successful in his field, she was glad she was a simple welder and not a star-wrangler.
“Why don’t we help you to your bus so you can at least relax before they put you through your paces?”Jordan asked.
It was a fitting turn of phrase.Rick certainly thought of Kason as some sort of prized thoroughbred.And she didn’t doubt for a second that the man would be the first to shoot Kason between the eyes if he’d outlived his usefulness.Hopefully Kason knew that wasn’t how she or Jordan or anyone else there would treat him, but she was afraid years in the spotlight might have distorted his vision of the world around him and what made him worthy of love and admiration.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t sure how to unblind him except to keep showing him over and over how much she cared.
“I’d appreciate that.Thanks.”Kason let his head drop back against his pillow and stared up at the hospital room ceiling for a few seconds before he held out one hand to Jordan and another toward Van.Wren quickly grabbed the crutches that were leaning up against the wall nearby and prepared to offer them to Kason once he was steady on his good leg.
As he usually did, Wren was starting to realize, Kason disarmed everyone with a flashy smile that didn’t reach as deep as the more genuine ones he’d shared with her and Jordan this past weekend.He nodded at Gavyn and Roman, neither of whom seemed amused.“Good thing I know how to use these.Maybe those intoxicated headers off the stage were good for something after all.Don’t worry, I didn’t let them give me any pain pills.”
Ah ha.So she’d been right!
Wren flicked her gaze to Jordan, who was frowning.Probably as he was putting the pieces together too.She wasn’t sure how to hold them together, but suddenly Wren felt like they were as unstable as Kason.
If they could make it to the bus and have a chance to regroup and unpack everything that had happened today, maybe they would have a chance to finish the weekend as she’d thought they would a few hours ago.
Though the mountain fortress had done a good job of keeping reality at bay, even it hadn’t fully succeeded.Suddenly, an urgency and desperation hit her.It was similar to the one she’d experienced during every hour of the time between when those officers had told her Johnny was gone forever and the second Jordan had walked through her door.
It felt momentous.Like she could lose Kason, too, if they weren’t very careful.
She looked at Jordan and tried to steel herself.
The only problem was that, as she’d found out before, she could only do so much of the fighting for them.It took more than one person’s effort to overcome the obstacles standing in the way of a healthy relationship.
She was in.
Jordan took her hand and she knew, finally, he was with her too, and would be to the end.
But Kason?He put his head down.Slowly, he swung out of the room and along the hall toward his responsibilities, ignoring his own desires, whatever they might be.
Tom and Ms.Brown exchanged a worried glance that didn’t make Wren feel any better.Tom looked up and said quietly, “You need to get through to him.Both of you.Go now before he hurts himself any worse.”
Jordan and Wren nodded, then flanked Kason as he made his way toward the bus.Wren knew the older couple wasn’t talking about his physical health.
She hoped she could make him see what they did.Otherwise, there was no hope for a future with him in their lives except as that haunting voice on the radio.