Page 69 of Slow Ride

They were about to find out.

Jordan waded into the water, his powerful thighs and tight ass framed by the glowing aqua pool lights, shining from beneath the surface.He looked over his shoulder, giving Kason a glimpse of his defined chest and abs.Kason’s cock grew harder by the second, imagining what it was going to be like when Jordan put those muscles to good use, teaching Kason how to love him properly.

Wren came up beside him and murmured, “Just go with it.You’re going to be amazing together.I can’t wait to see what it’s like when the two of you finally give in and go for it.”

“I don’t think you’re going to have to wait much longer.”He took his cock in hand and stroked it a few times before sprinting down the beach and diving into the pool.

Wren matched him stroke for stroke as they swam out to where Jordan was waiting.

When Kason reached him, he didn’t stop.He kept his kicking steady as he cut through the water, heading for a waterfall that looked like the edge of the pool.Without saying anything, Jordan and Wren followed him.

He paused and looked over his shoulder at them before finding the ledge there and stepping up through the curtain of water.He’d only made it a few feet inside before Wren and Jordan materialized through the glassy sheet.

“What the fuck else are you hiding in here?”Wren whispered in awe.

Jordan, however, was silent as he took in the hidden “cave” and the comforts it afforded.The shallow section of the pool was only about a foot deep with a smooth floor that looked like natural stone.A platform jutted about six inches out of the water and kept the plush day bed on top of it dry.An assortment of teal, yellow, and magenta pillows blended with the tropical theme and added to the ridiculous extravagance of the spot.The colored lights from beneath the water reflected off the ceiling of the cave, lending it a mystical vibe.Kason loved to nap there and recharge during what downtime he had from the road and other obligations.

Today he hoped it would be used for something more lively, though no less satisfying.He strode through the pool, water splashing in front of his shins, until he reached the bed and climbed on top.Like Wren had done the day before, he positioned himself in the center and stared at them both, inviting them to take everything he had to give.

He was ready.

“Fuck yes,” Jordan growled as he grabbed Wren’s hand and approached.

But before they could so much as kiss him, a shrill chirp shattered the moment, especially when it sounded again and again.Kason’s eyes slammed closed.“Not now.Damn it, not now.”

“What’s that?”Jordan asked, going on high alert, his special agent showing as he prepared for an intruder.

“A call.Only a few people have this number.It’s either Van or someone else on the security team.Or…more likely…my manager.”Kason cursed and put a pillow over his crotch as if Rick would be able to see his hard-on through the phone.“Do you mind if I take care of this quick?Rick was waiting for the final version of an endorsement deal.I promised him I’d be available to sign today before the execs change their mind.It’s electronic document shit, should take two seconds.I’ll get rid of him as fast as I can.”

“Go ahead.Do whatever you need to.I’d rather you not be distracted if we keep heading down this path.”Jordan brushed his thumb over Kason’s swollen lower lip, making Kason’s cock get harder despite another damn ring of the phone.

“I’ll be right back.”Kason got out of the bed and walked behind it, out of the pool.He rounded a stone pillar and opened the hidden door inside it.Good thing the phone was waterproof because droplets still rained off him as he reached for it.The sharp ringtone irritated him as it sliced through the peaceful weekend he’d been enjoying.

Before he’d even brought the phone to his ear, Rick was barking at him.“Kason.I need your ass back at the tour bus for a few hours.I’m on my way there now.”

“What?Why?”Kason had no intentions of going anywhere.

Rick blew out an exasperated sigh.“I’m your manager.Could you trust me for once?I’m doing what’s best for you, and for us all.We don’t have time to waste.The head of marketing wants a few test shots of you wearing their jackets before they sign.”

“Can’t it wait until Tuesday, when I’m back on tour?”He winced as he tried not to meet Jordan and Wren’s hungry gazes.

“No.It has to be tonight.Get up here.I’ve got a photographer and a stylist on the way too.Take a few pictures and you can take off again.”

“I don’t know, Rick.Isn’t there anyone around Middletown?Hell, pay the photographer a huge bonus out of my half and have him come to me.”

“Kason.We’re talking about twenty million dollars here.What’s the damn problem?”

It was right about that time that Jordan and Wren began to roughhouse in the background to amuse themselves and work out some of the energy that had been building between them.Wren half-lifted, half-shoved Jordan onto the bed, where he bounced and reached for her, tugging her down beside him.

“I’ve got company,” Kason admitted, grinning at their antics.He couldn’t wait to cannonball between them and take up where they’d left off.Fuck Rick and fuck more money he didn’t need.

Wren played dirty.She reached around and twisted Jordan’s nipple.He roared and flipped her over, smothering her body with his.

“That doesn’t sound like Van.”Rick got quiet.“What’s going on, Kason?”

“None of your business.”

“You’remy business,” he corrected with acid in his tone.“You know I checked out those motorcycle and car freaks you’ve been hanging out with.They’re not good for your image.You’d better get back here as soon as possible.”