Page 68 of Slow Ride


Kason had thought yesterday would go down as the best day of his life.It had certainly culminated with the best sex of his life.But today was even better.They’d woken naturally when the sun rose and filled his tree house apartment with light that somehow didn’t feel as bright or as warm as the affection from the two people sharing his bed.

They’d snuggled and enjoyed a lazy start to the day before heading back to the main house to refuel.They hadn’t done much else except enjoy each other’s company, yet he’d never felt so…at peace as he did right then, strumming his acoustic guitar and jotting down snippets of lyrics for a new song.He wasn’t ready to sing them out loud yet, but they were filled with optimism, infatuation, and a love he didn’t want to keep secret anymore.

Wren and Jordan inspired him, even when they were simply having a calm weekend at a mountain retreat.Wren was stretched out on the couch, flipping through one of the hardback biographies of Kason that had been sitting on the coffee table.Jordan had one hand resting possessively on her shoulder and the other was playing idly with her hair.He was looking out at the lake, deep in thought.Kason wondered if he was remembering the night before, looking forward to the future, or thinking of Johnny and their cabin on the other side of the water.

Something in his chest did a flip flop.

After the night before and envisioning what his life could be like if they kept taking this long, slow ride together toward something permanent, Kason was ready to prove to Jordan that this wasn’t only about each of them loving Wren and being good friends while they were at it.

His fingers fumbled the next chord on his guitar and he set it aside.He’d lost his concentration in the best of ways.“You two want to check out the pool now?”

Wren perked up and Jordan blinked out of his daze.She turned to him and grinned.“I’m assuming bathing suits aren’t required?”

“It’s an indoor pool, completely private.What you wear is up to you.”Skinny-dipping was one of his favorite activities.It had only been recently replaced at the top of the list by sex with the two people he was coming to think of as his best friends in addition to his lovers.

“In that case…” Wren stood and stretched before ditching her clothes.He loved how bold she was, how confident and unafraid of others’ opinions.He wished he could be more like her.

Jordan smacked her ass, then joined her, folding his clothes neatly and stacking them on the couch.Kason struggled to form coherent thoughts, never mind to coordinate his limbs long enough to stand and do the same.“Damn, you two are so fucking sexy by yourselves and even more so together.”

“We do fit together pretty well, don’t we?”Wren smiled as she pulled Jordan down to her for a languid kiss.

That did it.Kason bolted to his feet and stripped, hopping on one foot to tug his jeans off as fast as possible.They turned to him and grinned as he rushed to join them.Kason kissed Wren first, loving the lingering taste of Jordan on her lips, then turned to the other man and stared straight into his eyes as he sealed their mouths too.

Today would change the rest of his life.And hopefully theirs also.

“Kason?”Jordan asked, his voice husky.


“If you don’t show us this pool soon, it’s going to have to wait until much, much later.”

He wanted to go exactly where Jordan was headed, but he’d always fantasized about making love to someone in the exotic paradise located down one floor from the room they were in.He’d never felt strongly enough about one of the people he’d slept with to bring them there, though.Or to his mountain retreat at all.

They were the first.And the only, as far as he was concerned.So he didn’t want to blow his shot.Besides, he had a feeling they were going to love it since they’d been in perfect harmony with his own adoration of the glass tree house.

He took their hands and guided them along the shortest path to the pool, completely comfortable being naked around them.He’d never had any hang-ups about his body, but he didn’t often enjoy being exposed to others.With Wren and Jordan, he knew what he’d already shown was far more important than his skin.

When he opened the door and ushered them into the pool room, Wren gasped.

Kason didn’t blame her.The lush tropical paradise was unexpected in the middle of the autumnal woods.The elevated temperature in the room due to the heated water and the humid conditions were perfect for growing monstrous plants.Flowers bloomed in every direction.He had no idea what the names of them were, but they were lush and colorful, spiky, and foreign.

They reminded him of things he’d seen during tours in Hawaii or on a vacation he’d taken to Fiji, once.He picked one of the white blooms with a deep yellow center and tucked it into Wren’s hair.

Jordan didn’t begrudge Kason his show of affection.He smiled as he wandered around the bend to where the stamped concrete floor sloped downward and became sandy.“Holy shit, Wren.Check this out.There’s a fucking beach and everything.”

Her eyes lit up and glittered like sapphires.Kason loved soaking in her excitement.He loved this place even more than he already had, seeing how much she and Jordan enjoyed it.

She ran over to the beach and scrunched her toes in the sand, laughing.“I’ve never been to the ocean.”

Kason swore he’d rectify that situation for her someday.He had the resources to take them anywhere they wanted to go.So how sad was it that he didn’t care where they were, so long as they were together?In fact, he’d be happy to stay there with them for the rest of his life.

It was right about then that he realized how serious things had gotten.

He wasn’t thinking about this as a weekend fling or even a fuck buddy situation anymore.

Kason wanted a commitment.That started with himself.He promised to be true to his desires so that he could offer himself to them.He hoped they would accept.