Page 49 of Slow Ride

“I’m pretty sure what happened yesterday was more than a fluke.It wasn’t like oops, I slipped and look, now your dick is in my mouth.”Jordan shook his head, remembering how Kason had practically launched himself at Jordan’s erection.

“I’m not gay,” Kason said.“Look, I’m just some poor kid from Mississippi.We’re chocolate-and-vanilla kind of people.There weren’t any fancy flavors there.No in-betweens.I love women.I love fucking women.This is…taboo or something.Attractive because it’s like drugs or gambling or other shit you shouldn’t do but enjoy anyway until the repercussions smack you in the face.”

“I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt here.You don’t really believe that shit, do you?Hopefully you’ve learned a thing or two since you left your hometown.We all have.”Wren stared at the phone as if Kason could see her reaction.“There’s no shame in being bisexual, Kason.”

“There is, according to some people.That’s not what fans expect of me when they come to a show or buy my songs online.If people knew what I am—yeah, bisexual I guess, I never thought of myself like that but it feels right—it would destroy my image and my career.”Something in the way he said it made Jordan sure that someone else had put that nonsense in Kason’s head.

Wren had never been one to live in denial.She faced difficult things head on.Always had.She didn’t disappoint him now.

“And for that matter,” Wren continued, “however you identify—straight, gay, bi, whatever—that doesn’t mean you’re like Jordan and me, who enjoy being in a relationship with more than one partner at a time.That’s poly.”

“Oh, I definitely loved that part of what we did yesterday.Fucking loved it.”Kason sighed.“More than anything, I’m sure of that.And not only the sex stuff.There was something…intoxicating…about imagining what it might feel like to belong to you both instead of just sleeping with you.I thinkthat’swhat made me come so damn hard.”

“Well, there you go.”Wren smiled softly.“There are perks, you know?Just think, you have a better chance of finding a life partner.More people to pick from.”

Jordan cleared his throat; he wasn’t about to let there be any miscommunications.“And so you know, Wren is mine.My life partner, I mean.I told her last night that I was an idiot for leaving her and I don’t intend to keep fucking up where she’s concerned.Somehow I’m lucky enough that she hasn’t kicked me out yet.”

“That’s…fantastic.I know how much she loves you.”Kason seemed genuinely happy for them.

“That doesn’t mean I’m planning on keeping her to myself.”Jordan kissed her forehead, then said, “She’s plenty of woman for two men.And…well, I do want to explore both my bisexuality and my poly sides, too.This is who I am, even if it took me forever to figure it out.I hope you’re smarter than me.Don’t waste time agonizing over something you can’t change when you could be spending it happy.”

Wren took his hand in hers and squeezed.She also rippled the fingers of her other hand over his cock, which was solid now and huge in her grip.

“If you’re not interested in us, that’s okay.No pressure.”Wren scrunched her eyes closed when she said, “We’ll be here for you no matter what as you figure things out.”

Jordan was less generous.“As your friends, she means.I’m not going to wait around forever to start looking for someone who meshes with us.Like I said, I wasted enough time already.”

Wren smacked his shoulder with the back of her hand.He shrugged.It was the truth.

“I wish you were here tonight, Kason.”Wren told him.“Or that you didn’t have to go last night.If you could have come here and talked through things, maybe we’d be having a different conversation right now.”

“Or maybe our mouths would be busy doing stuff besides blabbering,” Jordan said.

“That would have been good.”Kason’s voice seemed raspier as he considered the possibilities.

Wren looked directly into Jordan’s eyes when she made a very indecent, very sexy proposal.“Do you want us to show you what we’d be doing if you were with us right now?If so, why don’t we switch to videochat?I know how much you get off on watching.”

“You two have done this before?”Jordan asked, his cock jerking at the thought of Kason and Wren having videophone sex as they pleasured themselves.No wonder she’d been so glad to see the guy at Trevon’s party.And he’d messed up their reunion like he’d ruined their first kiss.Damn.He promised himself he’d make it up to Wren tonight.

“Maybe once or twice,” Kason said with an infectious laugh.“Okay, yeah.I’m in.I’ll call you right back.”

He hung up.Less than half a second later, Wren’s phone was making a different noise to indicate an incoming videochat, which she connected.

“Oh fuck, you’re naked.You were talking to me and you didn’t even have clothes on?”Kason’s eyes widened.And that was before Wren tilted her phone so that Kason could see where her hand was, still fondling Jordan’s dick.

“He’s a handful, isn’t he?”Wren asked Kason.

“More like a mouthful, I’d say,” the guy answered, staring at where they intersected.

Jordan’s cock began to leak precome at the thought of what they were about to do.He hadn’t quite realized he was such an exhibitionist until yesterday, when Wren had watched them.This solidified it.He officially liked to put on a show.So he decided to make it a good one.

“Kason, why don’t you strip too?”he asked, wanting to see how much they impacted him.

The other man did, getting rid of his clothes while Jordan and Wren shared another kiss, this one far less gentle or patient.

“Damn, that’s so sexy,” he groaned as he climbed into bed and wrapped his hand around his own shaft.He aimed his phone to make sure they could see exactly how hard he was while witnessing their shared affection.“Jordan, will you suck on her tits for me?I wanted to so bad and I didn’t get the chance.”

“Sure.”Jordan grinned, happy to oblige.He spent some quality time filling his mouth with Wren’s soft flesh, tugging on her nipples with his teeth the way she liked best.She arched and moaned, her legs coming around his waist to lock him close to her.