“Don’t worry,” he whispered to her.“I’m not going anywhere.Not tonight and not ever.”
“Fuck.”Kason groaned as they kissed and rubbed their bodies together, enjoying the energy that consumed them when they touched skin-on-skin.
“I can’t wait to be inside you again,” Jordan rasped.“It’s been so long.I need my dick in you.”
“You guys didn’t…” Kason asked on a pant.
“No,” Wren promised him.“You’ll be here with us when we fuck for the first time since we got back together.Do you like that?”
“Yes!”he shouted.
“Will you try to come with us?”Wren wondered.
“Yes!”Kason cried out again.
Jordan aimed his cock at Wren’s pussy and advanced.He’d barely made contact with her hot, slick flesh when a loud bang startled him.
“What the fuck is that?”he asked, his gaze shifting to the phone screen.
Several more thuds blasted from the speaker followed by someone shouting, “Kason, open up!I know you’re in there.We need to talk.”
The other man’s face went blank and his cheeks drained of color.His cock went from ready to explode to wilting in a matter of seconds.
“Who the fuck is that?”Jordan asked.
Kason muffled the phone, taking it off of speaker.He whispered, “It’s Rick, my manager.I’m going to mute you for a minute.Be right back.”
He threw his sheet over the phone so everything on their screen went black.Jordan instantly rebelled against being Kason’s dirty little secret, left in the dark.He’d already been through that phase in his life.
Wren must have realized what he was thinking.She curled up tighter against him and hugged him.
Meanwhile, Kason must have opened his door.
“Who were you talking to in there?”Rick sounded clearer now, as if he’d poked his head in Kason’s room at the back of the bus.
Kason laughed, though it wasn’t genuine.“I was watching porn.Got a problem with that?”
His voice held an edge Jordan hadn’t heard from him before.Was his manager the one giving him a hard time?Jordan promised himself he’d put his agent skills to good use checking the man out in the morning.
“Considering we were supposed to talk about the summer concert series contract before you left town, yeah, I’d prefer if we could get that out of the way before you jack off and pass out,” Rick said.“Get dressed and meet me out at the table in the front of the bus.You’re holding everyone up.It’s an eight-hour drive to the next city.”
“Shit.Sorry.I totally forgot.I’ll be right there.”Kason sounded defeated.Completely unlike himself.
The door slammed, and then Kason appeared in front of them.He whispered, “Gotta go.Sorry.”
Since he couldn’t hear them, Wren blew him a kiss.But the picture cut off as he hung up on them.Jordan wasn’t sure the other guy had even seen her sweet gesture.
He was horny, and frustrated, and irritated at the same time.
Kason had the potential to hurt Wren, which Jordan didn’t like at all.Maybe he was letting his desires put her in danger again.
“Should we keep going?”Jordan was torn.He wanted to make slow, sweet love to Wren.But it felt weird now that it was just the two of them again.Like they were cheating on Kason, who’d helped to get them both so fired up.
“Would you hate me if I said I wanted to wait?”Wren put her hand over her face.“I mean, I don’twantto, but I feel like it might be the right thing to do.”
“Can you tell me more about why you feel that way?”Maybe it would help him understand why he did too.
“I don’t want whoever we end up with to look at us as a couple and themselves as the third wheel, you know?”Wren sighed.“Especially if we can make things work with Kason, like I hope.It’s important for him to feel equal.He’s already so tormented by this.I’m afraid of making things worse.He needs to feel accepted and loved by us.”
Jordan nodded.That made a lot of sense, actually.As much as his cock objected, he resigned himself to another platonic night in Wren’s bed.“I’m happy to simply be here with you.Let me hold you at least?”
“Yeah.”She snuggled up to his side.
It took a while before either of them settled enough to be sleepy, but when she did, Wren dozed off in the shelter of Jordan’s arms.It was one of the best nights of his life, even if he didn’t get to relieve the pressure building between them.