Page 24 of Slow Ride


Wren rolled over in the lofted bed of her tiny home on the Hot Rides campus.Usually, she was the first one up, and had even started doing yoga with Sabra and Holden most mornings.Not today.

She couldn’t bring herself to get out of bed.

Or at least she hadn’t been able to yet by the time a series of raps echoed from the front door, not twenty feet away from where she was trying to fall back asleep so she didn’t have to face the disaster the night before had turned into.

“Open up, Wren.”It was Devra.“I have a pot of fresh coffee…”


Wren opened one eye.

“And a whole tray of pastries I made for my class project…”

How was she supposed to resist that?Wren climbed down the bookcase ladder and flung the door open before stalking the few feet to the kitchenette and dropping into a seat at the two-person table.

“I thought that might get your attention.”Devra grinned as she made herself at home.Technically, this had been her house for a while, before she and Trevon had moved in with Quinn next door.She got out plates and cups.The aromatic steam from the coffee she poured into Wren’s mug had her feeling slightly more human.

“What’s this?”she asked as she reached for a square of dough with apples and chopped nuts on top.Whatever it was called, it was delicious.She moaned.

“Should I call it a Kason Cake?”Devra asked with a mischievous grin.

Wren choked and had to take a gulp of her still scorching coffee, which then led to more coughing.She gave Devra the finger as she tried not to die.Her friend only laughed.

“Please don’t.I’m already embarrassed enough as it is.”Wren groaned.“Last night was a catastrophe.”

“I thought it was going pretty well right up to the point where Jordan crashed your party.”Devra was quieter and serious when she said, “I thought for a moment it might end up being a party of three.”

“That’s because you’re a hopeless romantic.”Wren shook her head, then took another sip of her coffee before polishing off some more of the pastry.“Not everyone gets as lucky as you or the Hot Rods or the Powertools crew or Tom and Ms.Brown… Hell.I need some of that to rub off on me.Maybe it will eventually, but no.Nothing magical happened last night to take away all the shit that’s happened between Jordan and me.And Kason…well, maybe something could have developed, but it didn’t have a chance.”

“You just met.Maybe on your next date…” Devra plucked a chocolate croissant from the platter and took a bite.

Wren’s shoulders slumped.The truth had hit her hard this morning.She’d blown her only chance with Kason.“No.He’s gone.Not that I googled it or anything, but TMZ says his bus was sighted in Indianapolis this morning.They must have driven overnight.Even if I wanted to—and damn, I actually do, Devra—I can’t fix this.It’s too late.”

“So what if he’s not in Middletown?His bike is here.He’s got to come back sometime, and a man like him has the means to travel whenever and wherever he wants.”Devra stabbed her croissant at Wren.“Call him.Tell him you wish last night had gone differently and see if you can have a do-over next time he’s in town.”

“I can’t.”Wren wasn’t sure she was hungry anymore.She set down her apple thingy—she was definitely not going to call it a Kason Cake.

“Why not?”

“I don’t have his phone number.I never wrote it down since he said it was for personal use and I never intended to use it.”She looked out the window then, wondering if she’d ever find someone or if she was doomed to be alone forever.Until yesterday, there hadn’t been any question in her mind.She never planned to be interested in someone again.But now that she was, it was even worse than when she’d been resigned to a lonely fate.

Now she craved more.

“You would call him if you could?”Devra asked innocently as she took another nibble off the corner of her chocolate croissant.

“Well, okay, maybe I’d start with a text.But yes, I’d reach out.I feel terrible that I took off like I did.But Jordan…and Johnny…and the kissing and the dress… It was too much.”

“I understand.”Devra nodded.“It was an intense night.”

“Why do I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me?”Wren picked up her Kason Cake—damn it!—and chomped into it.Sticky sweetness flowed over her tongue, reminding her of exactly how damn good he’d tasted.She’d kissed him like a woman coming off a self-imposed hunger strike.Because, really, that’s exactly what she’d been.

And now she couldn’t help but want more.

A grin spread across Devra’s face.She looked so pleased with herself Wren didn’t mention the smear of chocolate at the corner of her mouth.“I remember his number.That day when he came to the shop, I could tell you were acting weird.And I’m good with memorizing stuff for recipes.I don’t really think about it, I just repeat things in my mind until they stick there.”

“You what?”Wren leaned halfway across the table.