“Yup.It’s stored in my brain.”Devra took another sample of her baking and tapped her temple with the index finger of her free hand.“I mean, we also have his email address on file at the shop, but I know you’d never use it for personal stuff when he specifically gave you the phone number for that.Besides, my backstage pass is the one he came back and jotted that number on.”
Holy shit!She’d forgotten all about that.Wren had been overwhelmed that day and it had slipped her mind.“Devra, you’re a fucking genius.”
“I know.So…better get those texting fingers ready.”
Wren fumbled her phone three times in her excitement.When she had it firmly in hand and unlocked, she opened a blank text.“Okay, go ahead.”
Devra recited the digits, then said, “Do your part.I’ll leave the rest of the Kason Cakes here in case you need them after your talk.”
“I’m going to apologize, not sext the man.”Wren rolled her eyes.
“I’m pretty sure he’d be glad to accept dirty pictures in lieu of anI’m sorry.”Devra stood.“I’ll be next door, studying, if you need anything.”
“You’re going to do great,” Wren reassured her friend.“You can remember phone numbers like it’s nothing, so that textbook crap is easy for you and these are the most amazing pastries I’ve ever had.I’m going to gain another ten pounds hanging out with you if I’m not careful.”
“Thanks.”Devra’s smile widened.“I appreciate you saying that.We’ve fought so long for me to go back to school, I don’t want to mess it up now that I have this opportunity.”
“Make your professors some of these Kason Cakes and you’ll pass with flying colors.”Wren devoured the last of hers enthusiastically, making Devra laugh as she headed out.
If only it was that easy to pump herself up.She stared at her phone and typed out three or four messages, deleting each one for being too pathetic, too nonchalant, or too serious.
So before she could change her mind, she simply wroteI’m sorry, then clicked send.Maybe he wouldn’t even bother to respond.He was famous, she didn’t mean anything to him, and they’d shared one brief—if fiery—kiss with a little bonus gropage.He’d probably already forgotten her.Might even have spent the night with one of the other fans who’d made it clear they were his for the taking last night.
Wren’s throat went dry at that thought.
It only got worse when he responded withUm…what for?
Until she realized he didn’t even know who he was talking to.Oh shit.This is Wren.And I’m sorry for bolting last night.I was really looking forward to…
What exactly?
Her finger hovered over her phone’s screen for a moment before typing …getting to know you better.
I’mstilllooking forward to that.He put a winky emoji after his statement, making her laugh.Both because he hadn’t written her off as a pain in the ass and because she knew he was intentionally trying to put her at ease.He wasn’t disturbed by the drama she’d brought to his party.How could she not think he was adorable and sweet and understanding and…extra sexy?
Wren took a long drink from her mug as she thought about what to say.She liked texting.It gave her time to consider her words and communicate more effectively than she sometimes did in person.Maybe she should have tried that with Johnny.
Then some of those difficult conversations that had been stuck inside her might have come to light.In the end, it probably wouldn’t have mattered, but now she would never know.
She wasn’t about to make that mistake again.
So even if it was hard, she was going to be honest about her feelings.I’m glad.I was scared I screwed things up last night.
You?How?You’re a great kisser and you looked incredible in that dress you apparently wore just for me.
Wren laughed harder.You wish.I wore it forme.
That’s good, Wren.Seriously.I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to stop acting like you’re the one who died.Sorry if that’s harsh, but…
It’s fine.It’s true.She couldn’t say he was wrong.So you think I’m a good kisser?
Yes.And I’m willing to bet that you’re even better in bed, without an audience.
How candid did she want to be exactly?She couldn’t go back on her fresh resolution, so she laid it on the line.Actually, I kind of like being watched.Did what I told you yesterday, when Jordan showed up, change how you feel about me?
The wait for his response seemed to stretch for years.Maybe he was choosing his words as carefully as she was.Either that or he was debating whether to continue the discussion at all given what she’d just told him.If by ‘change how you feel about me’ you mean ‘turn me on even more,’ then hell yes.If you’re asking if I think less of you because you have a heart big enough to love two men, who also loved each other, at once then…definitely not.
She winced.That made her seem less selfish than she had been.I didn’t say they loved each other.