Page 34 of Holiday Kisses

“It’s not too hard. I love Mama, she’s my responsibility.” This wasn’t the first time Hildy had made the suggestion. Nor would it be the last. And while she understood where her mother’s caretaker—and her friend—was coming from, walking away from her family, no matter the circumstances, simply wasn’t an option. “If it’s best she not see me, I understand. But I made her a promise I’d visit at least once a month. One day out of thirty doesn’t seem too much to ask.”

“As if you aren’t thinking about her and worrying the other twenty-nine days.”

A sad smile tugged at Calliope’s lips. “True. But knowing she’s in such good hands makes it easier. I also don’t want Stella to believe I’ve stopped caring. That I’ll give up when things get rough. Children learn by example and I aim to be a good one.”

“How could you be anything else. But you might consider giving yourself a break, maybe share that responsibility with someone.” Hildy rose up on her toes to look out in the backyard. “Say, a handsome architect?”

“I’ve read your résumé extensively, Hildy,” Calliope said. “Matchmaking is not part of your repertoire.”

Hildy shrugged. “Just saying. And it can’t hurt to look.”

“Can’t hurt who?” Eddie Ranier, a burly, dark-haired man with eyes as kind as his wife’s, slipped up behind Hildy and wrapped his arms around her. “You looking to see what else is out there?”

“I’d never find anyone better.” Hildy turned to kiss her husband’s cheek. “Although your friend does make a fine picture. I’ve got iced tea in the fridge, Calliope. Why don’t you take him out a glass while I take Stella up to visit your mom.”

“As saying no would be rude, yes, ma’am.” Calliope waved her away when Hildy headed for the refrigerator. “I know where everything is. Besides, I don’t want to take too long today. I’ve already imposed on Mr. Costas enough.”

“Mr. Costas.” Hildy actually cackled. “Did you hear that, Eddie? Mr. Costas. It’s like she’s living in a Jane Austen novel. Oh, how I would love to see you fall in love with a man like that, Calliope. Now that would do my heart a world-full of good.”

Maybe. But it would break Calliope’s.

She watched Hildy draw Stella gently away from Joshua and gather the gifts for Emmaline before they headed upstairs.

“It would do my heart some good as well, Calliope.” Eddie retrieved two glasses and set them on the counter as she set out the pitcher of tea. “Time for you to think about settling down, finding your own path.”

“I’m on my path,” Calliope said. “And as much as I appreciate the sentiment, it’s one I’m meant to walk alone.” Because to do otherwise would only bring her—and Stella—even more disappointment and pain.


“YOU ARE AN odd man, Xander Costas.”

Gloved hands wrapped around a warped board, Xander grinned as he pulled it free and tossed it onto the growing pile beside the shed he was tearing down.

“Why’s that?” He glanced over his shoulder and found Calliope standing nearby, two tall glasses of iced tea in her hands.

“I assumed you’d just use a sledgehammer and knock it down. Done. But you’re pulling it apart piece by piece.” She inclined her head as if trying to decipher a complicated puzzle.

“That’s how it went up, isn’t it?” He wiped his forehead on his arm. He hadn’t exactly come dressed for construction work, but at least he’d traded in his silk shirt and tailored slacks for jeans and a new T-shirt that he’d apparently forgotten to cut the price tag out of. “Reminds me of when I worked construction in college. I used to drive my brother and father nuts, examining how every piece went together, how things connected. There’s a lot Hildy can work with here if she decides to rebuild the shed.”

“How about you take a break?” She gestured with one of the glasses. “That way you can ask me all those questions you’ve got spinning around in your head.”