"Yes, Sir."

Yeah, that didn't make my dick harder said no red-blooded man ever. I watch as she goes into the house and wonder how in the hell I'm supposed to keep my hands off of something this tempting.

Chapter Three



I've talked to Vin every night for the past week. He calls to ask questions about what my thoughts or opinions are on something, or for a quote for one magazine or another. Cora came to visit and brought her friend, Demi so that was nice but it doesn't keep me from going stir crazy in this house all by myself.

Vin finally calls me on Friday morning to tell me to be ready for a big meeting with a producer I have secretly always wanted to work with. His tone seems all business which is very unlike his nightly calls which are more relaxed somehow. I hold the phone closer so I can listen to everything he's telling me.

"Alright, Sweets, this is it. If you want even a chance at this script you're going to have to show up and show out tonight. Got it."

"Um, sort of, do you want me to wear something for a cocktail party or...I guess I just need you to tell me where we're going."

"His house. He wants to have dinner at his place. No cameras and no chance the paps will be there." I nod like he can see me through the phone. "Oh and wear something sexy underneath and barely there."

If I were a cat my back would have just gone up. "Why does it matter what I wear underneath my clothes?"

"For after, Sweets, for after."

"After what?" I wonder if he can hear the panic in my voice now or not.

"After dinner, I want to take some publicity shots of you that are tasteful but still sexy for your upcoming magazine interview. They would have normally sent someone to take them but I told them I would make sure they were taken and give them the ones they needed. Cuts down on leaks."

"Okay, but I'm going to be doing this at the producers' house?"

He's already hung up on me and I think about calling him back. I don't though. I guess taking provocative photos at a producer's house is alright. Surely Vin wouldn't let me do something that would hurt me professionally, like I don't know, have nude pics floating around. He did say wear something provocative and not nothing underneath so I guess there's that.

My phone rings as I'm going through my closet. "Hello."

"Change of plans, babe. The producer saw an interview you gave and has asked for something really special tonight and I think between me and him we can promise you this role if you play your cards right during dinner, if you know what I mean."

My heart starts beating faster. Surely he doesn't mean that the way I am taking it. "I, um, don't know if I even want this role or not. I'm not sure I want to play anything tonight."

"Look I understand you might be nervous but it's only going to be me and the producer, no one else I promise."

Oh my god, were more people going to join in before this guy wanted 'something special'? Please tell me I am mistaken about what I think is going on.

"Surely you can handle two men, right. I mean I've seen you work over a room before you're a natural so two of us shouldn't be a problem."

Holy shit is he talking about the Zombie pirate movie I did last year because it was just implied that I might have slept with all of the zombies. I've never really 'worked over a room' in my life.

"No. I can't. I won't."

"What do you mean no? This is career-making, sweets. You have got to be on your A-game and bring it tonight."

Sadness twists my stomach. I thought he was different but it turns out he's just like Margaux, only sicker because he wants to be a part of whatever perverted thing he's got in his head that I will do for a role. Fuck him.

"No, I'm sorry but I won't do what you want me to do." Silence greets my refusal. I can't even bring myself to say the actual thing he wants me to do.

"Listen, Sweets, this role is the difference between being an A-list celebrity and doing all those horror movies you've been stuck doing where the only place to go there is showing your tits. So you are going to take the role I have all but got for you and you are going to say thank you tonight to the producer for even thinking of putting you in this movie and you are going to damn sure thank me for getting you in a position so that you can take it. In fact, if you don't show up and look sexy and confident and ready to take on two men in the industry that know a hell of a lot more about than you do, then you are going to have a very hard time sitting the next day, do you understand Sweets?"

I hang up on him. He calls back but I don't answer. Eventually, a text comes through.

Pick up the phone.