"Yeah, I know. My girl's got eyes on them. They shook the ones they knew about but the undercover ones are still on them. Good call on the need for that extra unit by the way. Ever thought of going into the security business?"

"Hell no, too much stress." We laugh together. I've known the head of the security team I am paying to take care of Monica since we were both in high school. I told Mason about them when he was so wound up over getting more people to guard Cora. They do a damn fine job, so the fact that the ladies gave them the slip is really something. We shoot the shit for another good ten minutes. After he hangs up my phone rings again, guess who? Yep, it's Mason wanting to know if I have security on Monica. Like I would let someone that fucking beautiful wander around this town without her being guarded like Fort Knox.

I'm talking to him as I am walking into the shop. In seconds I've assessed the situation. The front of the store is filling up with paps and people wanting a picture of not just Monica but also Mason and Cora who had quite a scandalous courtship. Now I have two couples up front, three employees in the back, which is where the leak telling the cameras where to come came from I can almost guarantee. A kid who looks like he hasn't seen a comb in a month is holding his phone up and I would bet my company he is going to be shopping the end result around to every magazine and sleaze-show in town. Damned little punk. He sees me give him the death stare and runs further in the back. Problem one fixed. No one needs to see exactly how possessive and over the top Mason is for his wife. She's already sitting in his lap and he's cooing to her promising her the world. Problem two is about to be fixed as well, I slide my eyes away from my best client and to my newest one.

I told her not to be without her security day and night and she tried to defy me. I'm not going to punish her this time for it but she's on thin ice with me. I'm not even going near the fact that the thought of punishing her makes my dick leak a little. Mason leans forward to whisper something in his wife's ear and looks to me. Between the four of us we formulate the plan, they go one way and when everyone runs that way we go the other so both of us get out without much fuss.

Cora pulls her arm out of Mason's hold before they can leave and comes running back over to me. I meet her halfway because, duh, she's pregnant. What kind of douche would I be if I made her walk all the way back across the room for no good reason when I can meet her halfway? "I know we don't have a lot of time so I'm just going to get right to this."

What she says sets my world on end. My eyes immediately go to the topic of our conversation and I see her in a whole new way. The innocent look in her eyes, the guileless smile she wears on her face, all of those aren't an act she's putting on. Monica Stacey really is innocent.

I take out my phone and dial my friend again. This changes everything. I reach for Cora and pull her in for a quick hug. "Thank you for telling me." I give her a peck on the cheek that even her husband couldn't get all offended about. I will remember this and from now on Cora will be my new favorite person for telling me something as important as what she told me.

"Knox, I'm going to need to up that security and I want them all to be women from here on out."


"You heard me, I need double the security on her and they all need to be women from here on out. Not that I got anything against dudes but if they're around Monica they need to be female. Got me?"

"Oh fuck! Not you too. First Mason with this shit and now you. What the hell is in the water over there that makes you guys go fucking nuts over a pussy?"

"Watch your mouth old friend." It comes out exactly as I mean it to, as a warning.

"Yeah, yeah. No worries here. There's no way in hell I want to be roped to one woman but you enjoy that. Night after night after night - with the same woman."

He's trying to tell me how monotonous it will become but he doesn't understand a fucking thing about how special it feels to know you are the only one for someone. That you are their end goal. And I am sure Monica will feel that way about someone she decides to sleep with or otherwise she wouldn't be a virgin now. In this town, she's probably had to fight to save it.

I make my way back over to the table and watch as Cora leans down and gives her a hug promising they will get together again soon. We wait for them to leave, noticing when most of the cameras and yelling people run around the back.

"Now." I pull her up and walk her out the front door. Right before we hit the door I whisper in her ear to tell them all 'no comment' or don't say anything at all. As soon as we open the door the flashes start going off and the questions start to fly.

"Was Mason upset you were having a yogurt break with his wife because of your reputation?" That little shit. She stiffens in my hold but she doesn't look up and she doesn't stop walking where I lead her.

"Are you excited about the new movie? Are you looking forward to playing funnier roles?"

"How do you like the new management? Are you close to him?" I look up and shot that one a warning look since I am the 'him' in question.

"Did Mason help you get Vin because of your friendship with his wife? Is that why you are friends with her?"

"Who are you dating if not Mason? Are you romantically linked to Whitaker Bronson?"

Now that I will shut the fuck down, "My client's personal life is none of anyone's business and not up for questioning. Although I can confirm she is dating someone at this time and it most assuredly is not Bronson."

Monica looks a little shell shocked that I would say that but then a sadness comes in her eyes before being replaced quickly with a smile for the paps. I'm going to have to find out what put that look in her eyes. When she gets in and she's secure I go around to my side and start the car. It takes me a little while to maneuver through the gathered crowd of photographers but when I do I reach for her hand so I can hold it as I drive her back to her house.

She doesn't take her hand from mine but she isn't clasping it as hard as I want her to either. I should leave her alone. I know that wanting her like I do makes me a dirty old man because of how young and innocent she is. But I don't fucking care. It isn't going to stop me from lusting after that ass or pussy or mouth. Fuck, now I'm hard.

I pull into her place after the guy I have standing down at her gate checks my id. "Are you all set for tonight? Do you need me to get you something so you don't have to go back out?"

"No, I'm fine. Thank you." She sits with her head bowed. "What did you mean when you told that reporter that I'm in a relationship with somebody? Is it someone you're going to pick for me?"

Well fuck! "I said that so they would lay off that question for a few days giving us time to think of what else to say when they ask and they will ask again, continuously. Believe me when I tell you I have no intention of setting you up with any of the talent in this town or for that matter anywhere else. I want you focused on your career."

"I just...I don't want to have to whore myself out so I can advance in this business. I..,"

I turn in my seat facing her.

"You will never be whoring anything every, sweet...s" yeah, probably not going to call her sweet tits anymore. She catches the name change too and cocks her eyebrow in question. "I'll call you in the next couple of days to let you know what our next move is going to be. If you leave I want to know where you are planning to go and I also want you to take the guards. Everywhere you go." I take her face in my hands, "Don't defy me again on this, sweets."