So no more fake dry humping scenes, got it. I give him a quick serious nod but inside I am shouting and laughing. He doesn't want me to fuck anyone else, even on camera where everything is fake. He isn't going to make me flash my boobs, something Marguax had been trying to talk me into for the last six months. He isn't going to make me take parts where my leading man is extra handsy and won't take no for an answer.
For the first time since I stepped off the bus in this town I let myself relax. Someone is here that will keep me safe and I don't have to be so damned guarded anymore. He chooses that moment to run his hand up my thigh and cup my sex in his hand. Just the feel of his palm on my naked lips makes me tighten up enough that I'm about to cum any second.
"This is mine. You couldn't take care of it, baby, pretending to writhe on someone else's lap and running away from me. Letting someone else tell you where to put it and who to give it to."
I start to shake my head vigorously. "No, Vin..."
I want to tell him I would never betray him by letting someone else near me like that. I want to make sure he understands it was just me sitting in someone's lap and then doing all of the upper body shots in a chair by myself.
He interrupts me. "I looked into what happened. I know. I still don't like that you spread those sweet thighs for someone other than me. But we didn't know each other did we." I shake my head furiously wanting him to not be mad at me. His hand comes down and smacks my bare ass cheek. "I'm jealous as fuck of you baby and there is no man you will ever fuck but me, understand!"
"Yes, oh fucking god, yes! I'm so sorry." I shut my eyes, pulled in between the emotions of guilt and lust.
"Fucking open your eyes and watch. I'm the first man that is going to put cum all over you, in you, down you. I'll be the first everything won't I baby."
I nod as his fingers spread my pussy apart and his middle finger flick over my achy nub.
"No need to be sorry, Sweets. I'm here now and I'll be taking care of you!"
It's the words that set me off. The talk of someone taking care of me and someone actually giving a shit makes me want to cum so bad. All it takes is one more stroke and my body tips over and I convulse for him. I throw my head back as arousal spills out of me and slides down my legs to coat his throbbing cock. His name on my lips as I go all the way over.
"Shh, such a good girl. So sensitive too, aren't you." My body sags over the couch after my center stops pulsing for him. Before I can open my eyes, which feel like they weigh a ton, the hot, slick jets of him are joining mine and running down my leg as well. Spurt after spurt comes out, each aimed higher as Vin holds himself straight up so cum splashes against my bare pussy again and again.
At one point Vin even uses his fingers to open me up so the hot, cream can splash on the inside of my lips. I don't know how safe that is. I would think you would have to do more to get pregnant but I'm not sure. All I know is the stupid shit my mom used to scare me into not having sex. Things like if you go to the bathroom with a boy and he masturbates on the seat and you sit down on it you'll get pregnant. Or you can get pregnant just by making out if you take off any clothing, either yours or his and then try to mess around.
It was enough to keep my legs crossed all through high school. Not that I was getting a lot of dates or calls from boys. I always knew I wanted out of my tiny town, away from my mom who constantly told me I was going to get knocked up and live beside her in her trailer park since I thought I was better than everybody else, or about how I was unwanted and ruined her dreams of being a world-famous singer when she was just fifteen. What we just did would definitely have my mom preaching about how in nine months we'll all see who is right about the baby stuff.
Vin reaches down and pulls up my underwear. When they're on me he makes sure I can feel how wet they are by taking his hand and pushing them to me, rubbing me for just a second and then reaches down to pull up my jeans. He takes me by the arm to straighten me up, his eyes taking in everything.
"Go upstairs and find something to wear, something tasteful and elegant. I want you to make a good impression on Andy tonight."
"Do you have a lot of women come and stay with you?" oh God, what if this isn't like a special thing for him but something he does for all of his young clients who just want to advance their career. My mom's voice comes back to me even though I try to block it out.
"No. I had some of the clothing from the new movie you're on brought over by the same woman who did your wardrobe on Zombie Christmas Massacre. She already had your measurements from working with you on that movie so I asked for her to be brought in on this one as well."
He had clothes brought to his house for me. For the movie. I try to justify what he is saying in my head. Some studios give actresses clothes to do interviews in for after the movie so maybe he was just storing them in his house until I would need them at the end. Vin seems like a man who would plan that far ahead.
I have one foot on the gleaming step of the stair when he calls back to me, "Third door on your left."
Whatever this is I am getting on the most powerful birth control known to man just in case this is just a passing fancy Vin is going through.
Chapter Four
I run up the stairs the rest of the way, counting doors as I reach the top and go down a long hallway. The room I step into is done in dark blues and creams that make me wonder if I've got the right door. This one looks too...manly to be the room he would store clothing for actresses in. Dark blue curtains hang closed over an entire wall of windows if the length of the rods is any indication.
I duck my head and try to smother the laughter that is building up inside of my head. Yep, I am that immature that I get a huge laugh out of a 'long rod' joke. I open one closed door but it opens up into the hugest bathroom I have ever seen. This one is done in white marble and gold trim. The tub is right in the middle of the room and looks big enough to fit my mom's single-wide into.
The next door is the closet and it is just as big as the bathroom. On one side hangs all sorts of suits and dress shirts and on the other hangs the clothes that look like they will fit me. I rummage around among the skirts and dresses until I find one that will make me look taller than I actually am. It has black lines down the side so it'll help hide some of my curvier parts as well.
Seeing the suits makes me think Vin does do this for other clients but not in the sick sex depraved sort of way. If the suits hanging up are any indication he has way more male clients than female clients. I take the clothes to the bathroom and spend some time doing my hair and my makeup. I keep it light and simple because I don't know what to expect tonight. I thought he might cancel tonight but he seems pretty driven on showing up and me making a good impression.
I'm about to finish up when the door pops open startling a little cry out of me.
"I didn't mean to scare you, Sweets. I just have to get ready too."