I must look dumb sitting in his bathroom on the little leather stool doing my makeup while my mind digests what he just said. "This is your room?"
He nods and then his hands go to the buttons of his shirt. Oh my god, I'm not sure whether to look my fill or turn to be polite or maybe excuse myself. I didn't realize it was his room so I feel kind of bad that I just assumed this was the right room.
"I'm so sorry. I'll just..."
"Nonsense. Continue doing what you were doing. The bathroom is big enough for the both of us."
"Did I go to the wrong room?"
Vin's eyebrow cocks up and the corner of his mouth tilts in a small grin. "Oh no, Sweets, you are definitely right where I want you. You will be staying with me in my house, in my bedroom, in my bed." He shrugged out of his shirt and comes to stand right behind me so I can see both of us in the mirror. His finger traces the fullness of my bottom lip. "If you didn't look so good right now and we wouldn't be late I would eat this little pussy out right now. I bet you taste delicious."
My mouth falls open and I know my eyes are huge. Ever since he called me this morning nothing in my life has been the same. His dirty talk is something I am totally not used to. I've never paid attention to anyone like I do Vin.
"Vin, um, I have no idea what the hell to do? I know you think I have a good grasp of what the hell is going on because of some of my movies but I don't. I really need you to tell me the truth and not talk in half measures."
His smile gets bigger. "I want to eat your pussy, Monica but that will make us terribly late because I intend to spend hours doing it. So unless you want to see the entirety of my dick shoved about eleven inches inside of you then you should leave right now." I stand and make my way to the door before he calls my name again. "Monica, I will have that sweet pussy. There's no doubt about that. Now go before I change my mind."
Several hours later we are back at Vin's house. Our dinner with his producer friend went well. He promised Vin that I would get the lead in his next project. I'm slightly worried; the timing overlaps the ending of the movie I start next week. I mentioned it to Vin but he assures me that even though I will be busy I will be able to do both projects. This new one is one that I can't believe I have the opportunity to do. The producer is famous, a household name, and this movie is going to put me on so many top lists.
The pressure is real. When we are both inside his house he tells me to go upstairs and find a bathing suit, there are apparently several up there, and to come back down for him to take pictures. I riffle through the bathing suits I find in a drawer under all the clothes. I also find panties and bras and stockings in some of the other ones. It would seem Vin and my wardrobe lady have covered everything. Vin decided not to take the photos in the producer's gardens because he didn't want the producer to watch him take pictures of me. Whatever that means? From the very little time I was around the man it is very obvious that he is obsessed with his wife who also started out as an actress but decided to pause her career so she could stay at home with her children. If I had known how obsessed I wouldn't have worried at all about the dinner.
After I settle on a one piece with metal o rings going down the middle of my chest and belly I go looking for Vin. The suit makes me feel sexy. It covers everything well but has cutouts on the side so it looks like a two piece held together with the rings. I can't believe how good it feels against my skin, soft and cool. I redid my hair so it's piled on top of my head with some curls coming down.
The place I step into seems like something from a magical fantasy. The pool is set up like a grotto with soft blue lights running all along the inside of it. A huge waterfall is at one end of the pool and right beside it is a little hideaway also lit with blue light. It literally looks like a rock pond instead of a swimming pool. I realize when he starts chuckling that I'm standing and staring with my mouth open like I've never been anywhere nice like this in my life.
I turn to meet his eyes and they run over my body and suddenly the bathing suit doesn't feel so modest anymore.
At the other end of the pool opposite the waterfall is a bunch of lounge chairs that look so comfortable and inviting. And farther away there is a fireplace with a circular in-ground couch around it. Hanging over it is a huge movie screen. I would spend so much time out here if this were mine. Hell, I might not leave.
"You look ravishing, Sweets. We'll start over here on the loungers and move to the pool and waterfall at the end."
I nod for him and walk my way to the loungers. It helps that this is going to be all about business. I am on more steady ground when it is about business.
"Lie on it with your arms up over your head." For the next few minutes, he gives me directions about how to turn my head, or cock my hips or pout for the lens in front of his face.
"Now arch your back and close your eyes. That's it, beautiful." His words make me warm inside. I know it might not be anything but just something sweet to call me but he makes me feel beautiful when he says it. "Tilt those sexy hips for me."
He stands over me as he straddles the lounger. My head is thrown back, my back arched making my tits poke out. The tips of them are hard and my breasts are swollen, achy. The pose seems a little risqué for something Vin would let other people see but I don't question it.
"Let's move you into the water now." He takes my hand and leads me into the water. I swim a little before I come back to him and let him give me more directions. He has me under the falls and right by the edge of the pool, he has me swimming into the secret area and walk out of it. Finally, he tells me it's enough for the night and he turns from me. I can't help but take one more trip all the way to the falls. The night is warm and the stars are out shining so bright. I float a little so that I can look up at them.
When I hear a splash I turn around to see a dark shadow swimming under the water towards me. Vin surfaces right in front of me, both of his arms wrap around me. "You look so damn sexy in my pool."
I can tell I'm blushing by the heat that comes off my cheeks. I look down so he can't tell as well.
"Do you know I can see every detail of your sweet nipples when they harden up? Especially when you're wet."
I gasp and look down to find out what he says is true. My arms come up to try to hide them but he doesn't let me cover myself.
"When you had that sexy body arched back for me all I could think about was how mouthwatering your tits look."
I gasp. He pulls me closer and leans into me so he can whisper in my ear. "That one is just for me and the one where you're coming out of the secret area. The suit is so clingy that I could tell every curve and dip you have from those soft round tits to those sweet bare lips."
His hand runs over the swell of my butt before taking a handful of my ass in his grip. My leg automatically comes up to circle around him. He picks me up, the water helping him as I wrap my legs around his waist. I'm just a little bit taller than him like this so he takes me by the back of my neck and pulls me down until our lips meet.
It's soft and gentle and even though he could, he doesn't try to push for more than just my lips for what feels like a long time. When I finally allow him into my mouth both of us moan. My ass is just barely above the water so when he runs his hand further down I don't have the pool to blame on why I'm so wet.