The demon flares his nostrils. “I don’t know—”

“Take his arm,” I snap. “If he doesn’t talk, then it’s over for him.”

The demon hisses at all of us and swallows hard, realizing just how much trouble he’s actually in. I know he’s trying to stall. He hopes another demon will come, but there isn’t much of a chance of that happening.

Storm raises the sword before bringing it down on the demon’s shoulder, severing it at the socket. The demon wails, and Damien drops him to the ground, avoiding the squirt of blood.

“Now end him!” I command, unfurling my wings.

“Wait! I’ll tell you. Dagan was promised a bride from Humanity’s Watcher. He needs her for something to do with power, but I don’t exactly know what. I’m just a low-level demon.”

My mouth falls open in surprise. “No. This can’t be. You’re lying. Humanity’s Watcher would never betray me like this. Adriel is my superior. He would never do something to aid the rise of Hell.”

My heart and being weeps at the very thought, but a part of me knew something was wrong all along. This is the confirmation I needed for this to be a reality. Adriel betrayed me. He betrayed all of Heaven.

All of humanity.

“Riella, what is it?” Storm asks, his eyes searching over me as I stand frozen in shock.

“I—I have to go. I need to confront Dagan. If this demon is telling the truth, we might need him. He can contact who I need.” My mind races, and I expand my wings.

Damien closes the space to me, trying to grab my hand, but I step back. “Riella, angel. Wait. We can—”

I tighten my jaw. “Please, Damien. Trust me. I have to do this. Alone. It’s the only way I think he’ll listen.”

Storm loses focus on the demon, and he snags his shirt between his fangs. It’s enough to get Damien to launch at the demon, ripping the two of them apart.

“Just end him. Get River and meet me back at the firehouse. Set a Hell trap and have it ready. We might need it.” My heart races at the thought.

“What? Why?” Damien asks, pinning the demon down. Storm raises the sword, ready to claim a fatal strike.

“Just do it,” I command, bending my knees to launch into the air.

I close my eyes, trying to clear my swirling thoughts. I can do this. I have to do this. If I fail, it’s all over. But that’s why the guys need to set a trap. They can still save themselves and humanity, even if they have to send me to Hell.

I won’t let Dagan rise.

I won’t let Adriel think he can get away with betraying Heaven.

If I’m going to Hell, I’m taking him with me.

He will pay.




IfIweremakinga huge mistake, I’d feel it deep in my soul. But all I feel is relief as I soar through the dewy clouds, heading toward the hotel I know Dagan checked into last. He wouldn’t go into hiding. His pride won’t allow him to do such a thing. How do I know this? I feel him on a different level. He entranced me, connecting our minds, and I just know. Call it intuition or whatever. It might’ve failed me before, but not now. This time, I won’t ignore it. My faith lies in myself and not the wayward traitor to Heaven.

I descend, free falling for a dozen feet, feeling the wind course around my body, the cool air reminding me that I’m very much alive on this plane. I spot the Tower Hotel and glide the rest of the way, just letting the breeze take me. I land on my feet outside the doors and peer into the lobby for a moment.

I can do this. I have to do this. This is the only way I’m going to get back into Heaven’s good grace. It’s never been clearer. I wasn’t forsaken because I jumped from Heaven. Adriel pushed me, and now I know that I’m here to help humanity because he has wronged them. Heaven has led me here for that very reason. I won’t let it down. The Almighty needs me, and unfortunately, I have to straddle the line of Hell to do so. The best way to defeat our enemy is to know them.

I just hope I can survive this. I hope that if I must sacrifice myself to Hell to save humanity, that it’ll all be worth it. That Adriel won’t get whatever he’s planning. He swore there was a war to come, but now I wonder if he is bringing it himself. I just wish I knew why.

“Miss? Are you coming in?” A man in a uniform stands in front of me, holding the door open, staring at me with a strange expression.