River raises the blessed dagger and hands it to me. “So brother, should we do this like the old days?”

I flip the dagger in my hand and point it at the demon. “Hell, yeah.”

Do I want to do it?

Hell, no.

Will I do it?

Hell, yeah.

We need to get this done. We need to figure out what’s going on, and we need to protect our girl.

I look around and back to Damien and then Riella and finally River. “Let’s get this done.” I bring the dagger down to the demon’s outstretched hand, severing two more of his fingers. He will talk. They always do.

Dagan’s returning to Hell. This beast will lead the way.




Iswallowhard,tryingto calm my nerves. I know I should be used to this kind of stuff, but as a warrior of Heaven, we don’t torture people. We have other ways of getting the answers we need. But then again, I’m not in Heaven anymore and this beast is far from mortal. Something like this makes me even more painfully aware. I try to look around everywhere but at the demon, but this parking lot is depressing with trash, broken beer bottles, and puddles of who knows what. I probably don’t want to know.

Turning my attention back to the guys, I push my thoughts away. Damien says something to me, but it’s like my brain can’t process anything beyond my dwindling hope. The demon isn’t breaking.

Looking at the demon, I notice four more of his digits are severed, and he howls in pain.

River clutches the bloodied dagger to the demon’s face. He looks down where the dismembered fingers lie in a puddle of who knows what mixed with blood—so much black, sludgy blood.

I look at the scene in front of me, partly horrified and partly giddy. Whatever is going on is getting stronger the more I’m around the darkness created by Hell. I need to fight it. I have no other options.

“Guys, this isn’t working,” I say, trying to remain even in tone.

Storm sighs in defeat. “She’s right. Fingers aren’t enough. We need this info quickly. At this rate, we’ll be here all night. And we don’t have that kind of time. Not to mention that we can’t afford to draw unwanted attention.”

I nod in agreement. I know we need this, and time is of the essence, but we’re exposed back here. “He probably doesn’t know anything. Just send him to Hell. We’ll find someone more useful”

The demon sneers and gnashes his teeth. “Wait! Of course, I know what my master has planned for all of you. Did you think it was just the fallen angel he wants? There’s a bounty on the heads of the lot of you. He won’t tolerate you standing in the way of his life with his queen.”

River grinds his teeth so hard I fear they might crack. He swings and punches the demon in the stomach repeatedly. “He will never have her. Never. Do you hear me!”

His declaration stuns me. I’m not sure what’s gotten into him, but things have definitely changed between us since the lust spell. I’m just not sure if it’s a good or bad thing at the moment.

Storm pulls his brother away from the demon and places his hand on his shoulder. “Go walk it off. Cool down a bit.” He looks at me, waiting for my reaction, and all I can do is shrug. I can’t even speak. Seeing that display from River makes me want to jump him right here in this filthy alley and get to know him on the level I know Storm. The level I want to know Damien. I don’t understand what this plane does to me. The emotions leave me overwhelmed but not necessarily in a bad way. More curious than anything. Especially with my desire. Lust is the worst or best emotion of all of the ones I’ve experienced so far. Right now is not the time though. We need to get moving.

I watch River as he drops his dagger and walks off, mumbling about checking on the hunter. It falls beside Storm and he bends to pick it up.

Damien once again startles me, and I look at him as he grips the demon. “As fun as this is, can we please finish?”

Storm strides up in front of the demon and raises his sword. He prepares to jab it into the demon’s heart.

“No, please! Stop!” the demon roars. “Please!”

Storm glowers. “Too late, asshole.”

Before Storm takes the demon’s heart, Damien stops him with his own blade, the fiery dagger materializing across the demon’s chest, clanking against Storm’s. “Wait, I think he wants to give us answers.” A devilish glint shines in his eyes. “Isn’t that right, Satan’s slut?” He pauses, annoying Storm. Storm winds his hand, wanting Damien to hustle, and Damien continues, “You’ll tell us everything you know?”