I sit back, resting on my hands, and stare at the quiet front yard, enclosed with high hedges so that no one on the street can even see me. It’s one of the only reasons why I’ve decided to stay out here. I need to be able to keep an eye out. I just can’t trust them, even if they checked out. Even if Holly already acts smitten. Because they obviously know who she is. Their leader called her princess, after all. How? I’m dying to know, but my stubbornness doesn’t allow me to suck up my nerves to join them in their living room. They do keep the door open though, and I can hear their soft talking along with the hum of the television, being used as background noise.

If only the scent of something sweet didn’t waft through the air and draw my attention.

I recognize Holly’s baking immediately. She’s done a lot of it lately, and her chocolate chip cookies are unlike anything I’ve ever had. They have become my comfort food. It’s not often omegas get to care for each other like this. It usually only happens with maternal bonds.

“I made you something, Kinsey. It won’t be much longer. Do you want me to sit outside with you?” Holly holds a plate, standing in front of the screen door. I spot the alpha behind her a couple of feet away, shadowing her as if he’s afraid something might happen. He would be extra careful and on edge, knowing that she is the Gilded Sands’ princess. One who should be dead.

Now, I worry. I’m sure Wilder does too. What if they do something crazy because of it?

“No, it’s fine. I just need the fresh air. My nerves are shot. I can’t stop worrying about Desmond and Arsenio. They won’t respond to my text messages. Are you sure they’re okay?” I address my question to the man hovering behind Holly. I know it’s not customary for a bonded omega to speak openly like this to a strange alpha, but I’m so used to speaking for myself these days. I’m still playing a beta as well. Holly won’t blow my cover even though hers is.

The man steps forward, standing so close to Holly that he’s practically flush against her. He rests his big hands on the doorframe, filling it with his muscular body. A strange expression crosses her face, and she flushes.

“I assure you, Ms. Kinsey. I received word from my pack. They’re doing a bit of cleanup and getting medical attention, then they’ll be here. Your alpha’s phone was damaged in the fight.” The man drops his gaze and looks at Holly standing before him.

I can tell he’s trying to check her out, maybe even breath in her scent, but the suppressant pills won’t allow him the luxury. It’s probably messing with his head.

“Thank you, Mr. Silverstein. I don’t know what we would’ve done had you not helped us.” I rub my hands together, turning my attention from him and to Holly. Extending my arm, I take the plate of cookies from her, wanting nothing more than to fill my time with something sugary sweet in hopes that it distracts me until my pack arrives.

“You are very welcome. And call me Beckett. Formal names are not necessary.” He offers me a smile and takes a step back. “I will be inside if either of you needs anything. Our home is yours.”

Holly glows with her excitement, her attraction to the man quite obvious.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to hang out with you?” she asks, bouncing on her feet.

I shake my head. “Why don’t you go have fun? It might’ve been a shitty situation that put us here, but you should definitely take advantage before your brothers arrive.”

She grins then disappears, the screen door slamming closed behind her. I eat the cookies in silence, listening to the world around me. I can’t see the wrought iron gate dividing the property from the street, but I hear it whine open only a couple of minutes later.

Wilder’s familiar car pulls into the wrap-around drive, and he doesn’t bother parking it next to the Silverstein’s SUV.

Enzo jumps out before Wilder gets a chance to turn off the car, and I hop to my feet and meet him halfway. I jump up and attack his face with my mouth, peppering his handsome features with my lips. My heart picks up in speed again, rattling against him, just wanting him to know how much it prefers to be close. If it could escape my chest just to be with him, it might. The intense thrums prove it.

“God, baby. You don’t understand how crazy I feel right now. I was so fucking scared. All I wanted to do was be with you. But you can blame the asshole for it taking so long.” Enzo cranes his neck, glaring at Wilder as he strolls up behind him, not rushing to get to me.

I realize it’s not because he doesn’t want to cuddle me, but he’s trying to give Enzo enough space to check me out before he intercepts. I’m sure both of them run hot and high with their emotions, and they might’ve even fought over everything. I’m sure I’ll have to get in the middle of them and Desmond and Arsenio later. Even though it wasn’t Desmond or Arsenio’s fault, Enzo and Wilder will probably try to blame them. And I’ll have to remind them that it could’ve happened to either of them too. The only fault belongs to the assholes who attacked us. I will not let them blame each other.

“Beckett said you weren’t hurt, but I know he was taking you on your word alone. Holly thinks you’re uncomfortable here and would rather suffer than have someone else look at you, so tell me the truth. Were you lying to him?” Enzo keeps his voice low, resting his head on my shoulder.

I swallow the knot in my throat, my body choosing now to react even more to my fear. I was able to keep it together if I didn’t think about it, but now that Enzo is here, hugging me, all I want to do is break down. I want to cry my eyes out and scream at the sky. This should’ve never happened. I don’t understand why the world is so against me.

What have I done to constantly deserve this threat?

“It’s okay, baby. Don’t speak if you don’t want to. I’ll just give you a quick look over if that’s okay.” Enzo eases me away, and another set of hands wrap around my waist, shifting me.

Wilder cradles me in his arms instead of letting me hug him with my whole body. “It looks like her hands are pretty scraped up. Her knees, too. There’s a tear in her pants.”

Looks like he’s already been examining me and assessing everything.

“I’m so proud of you, Kinsey. You put up one hell of a fight.” Enzo grabs my hand and inspects my palms. He gently touches one of my broken nails. “You scratched him pretty good. I bet he will feel that for days.”

“I punched him in his balls too,” I say, my voice shaking with my words. “I’d have done more but...” I close my eyes, suppressing the memory the best I can. My ears still ring from the gunfire.

“That’s my brat-girl.” Wilder kisses my temple, his affection helping to ease my whirlwind emotions. “Always go for the weak spots.” Grasping my chin, he guides my face until I meet him for a kiss. His warm lips caress mine, sensually, gently, just teasing and tasting my mouth without getting carried away.

Someone clears their throat, drawing Enzo and Wilder’s attention toward the door to the house. “Your majesties, welcome to the Silverstein Estate. It is an honor to welcome you into our home.”

“Where’s Holly?” Wilder asks, his voice gruff.