I didn’t have to hide what I was or use some kind of mirage to block the unsuspecting citizen from seeing my Reaper. Bikes rumbled down my street as darkness fell and the snowstorm kicked it up a notch, blowing heavily and piling up outdoors. I hadn’t seen anything like this since I was a kid. The Great Basin never saw snow like this. It was unheard of.

I’d barely parked my ride and hopped off when my Reaper sensed movement on my property. I stalked my way closer and felt the others follow, instincts kicking in as our Reapers sensed the enemy. Footprints proved someone had returned to the scene of the crime and I entered my house quietly. A man was standing in the living room and he spun, holding up his hands when I rushed forward, grabbing the front of his shirt, and lifting him in the air.

“Where the fuck is my son?”

The guy swallowed hard and his eyes grew round. “Holy shit! What the fuck are you?”

“Better answer my question before I rip off your balls and shove them down your useless throat.”

Stuttering, he blinked as his feet dangled. “I-I’m the p-private investigator. I was h-hired to watch the w-woman and her son.”

“By who?” I asked, getting closer as my Reaper enjoyed his fear.

Droplet splashed on the ground as he pissed himself. “Fuck.”

“Answer!” I roared.

“Some guy. His name is Chet Wilson.”

“How the fuck did he find you?”

“There’s only one P.I. firm in Tonopah. Wasn’t hard to f-find me.”

No, probably not. But how did Chet know Bess and Noah were in Nevada?

“What did Chet want to know?”

“Intel on the kid and his mom, anyone she spent time with. The usual. Took lots of photos but he just lit them all on fire in front of me and swore he was going to make her sorry. I didn’t stick around.”

“When was that?”

“Yesterday afternoon.”

“You’re one of the Denali brothers, aren’t you?” Grim got in his face and bared his teeth. “Told Vince and Antonio to watch our backs.”

“I know! That’s why I’m here. That crazy Chet guy booked a hotel and left all his contact info with me. He’s staying at the Clown Motel. I think he has the kid there.”

I dropped the guy right into the puddle of his own piss. “Clean up my fuckin’ house and lock in up. I find out you didn’t do what I asked, I’ll come for you in the middle of the night.”

“What’s your name?” Grim asked, growling at the guy.

“Vince and Antonio are the oldest. I’m the youngest, Marco.”

“Well, Marco, better do what he says. You don’t want the last thing you see before you die to be and angry Reaper.”

“Fuck,” he cursed. “Hell no. I’ll take care of it.”


A soft voice called out my name and I realized I was standing there, trembling as I watched the door like Jayce and Noah were going to walk through at any moment.

“I’m Nylah, remember? Rael is my man. Why don’t you come with me?” The blonde talking was the nurse from the Urgent Care. She held out her hand and I took it, squeezing it hard as I tried to swallow the panic that threatened to overtake me.

“Shouldn’t we call the police?”

“No, not quite. You see, there’s some things Papa needs to explain, and we’ll let him do that once he comes back.” She led me over to a leather couch and I perched on the edge, feeling overwhelmed and emotional.

Tears filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks. “Someone took Noah.”