“Your son. He sure is adorable.”


“I’m so sorry,” another voice added. Looking up, I saw a girl who looked like Nylah. “I’m Nylah’s sister Naomi.”

I nodded.

“I’m Sasha. Bodie is my guy.” She moved closer and I saw the baby cradled in her arms. “This is our son Maverick. He’s six weeks old.”

I swiped across my cheeks and tried to smile. “He’s beautiful.”

“Want to hold him?”


She passed the baby over and I held him close, speaking to him softly as memories of Noah at that age surfaced. A few tears followed and I sniffled, smiling when Maverick wrapped his little hand around one of my fingers.

“Wow. He’s got a good grip.”

“That’s what his daddy says too.”

I glanced up and found smiles on all of their faces.

“We’re here for you, Bess.” Nylah squeezed my arm. “That’s what ol’ ladies do for one another.”

“We look out for each other like the men do.”

“You’re one of us now.”

I didn’t know what to say and managed a tight nod. This was far more than I could handle at the moment.


Holding the baby, my heart clenched tight. I had to believe that Jayce would bring my son home. Nothing else was conceivable.

The Clown Motel was completely empty.

There were no cars. Not a single soul inside the

office. No hint that anyone had booked a room, or the place was even open for business. All the signage was off.

Snow blew inside as I entered and turned to Grim. “Something isn’t right.”

“I feel it too.”

“Feels like a setup,” Rael mused aloud. “Don’t like it.”

Hannibal stomped the snow from his boots. “I can sense the kid.”

Turning around, I got in his face, unable to keep my Reaper from reacting. “Where?”

He ticked his head toward the outdoors. “One of the rooms on the second floor. I can feel his terror.”

“Fuck!” I roared, heading outside, and running toward the stairs.

Jigsaw pointed to the outside of the motel. “Too many bright colors. Looks like someone threw up a rainbow.”

Grim snorted with humor.