When my eyes opened, I was so disoriented that it took a minute to focus. My head ached, and I winced, lifting my hand to press against the back of my skull. The large, protruding bump proved I didn’t dream last night or the guys who showed up at the motel. The rest of the night was fuzzy, and I missed how I ended up in this room. Where the hell were we sleeping?

Rolling onto my side, I found Zane asleep next to me. His dark hair flopped over his forehead with disarray. Dark lashes rested against his cheeks as a hint of a smile pulled at the corners of his lips. It was easy to forget that he was nearly sixteen. His face appeared younger when relaxed. Innocence and youth that escaped as we aged.

I stifled a groan as I slowly sat up, taking in the room.

“Hi, Tawni,” a female voice whispered.

Jolting, I gasped as I turned sharply to my left, surprised to find Nylah lounging in a leather armchair. “Am I at the Crossroads?”

“You are,” she confirmed. “Wraith asked that I stay with you.”


“The one with the beard and the pretty hazel eyes.”

Frowning, I couldn’t remember who she was talking about unless she met the grumpy biker who stomped out yesterday when I dropped off Yeva. “Okay. Why would he do that?”

Nylah shrugged. “Why wouldn’t he want to make sure you’re safe? Your son too.”

My temples were throbbing as I sank back against the mattress. “I can’t think. My head is killing me.”

“I’ll grab some water and painkillers. You hungry yet?”

“No, but Zane will be as soon as he wakes up.”

“It’s nearly one in the afternoon, but I can get breakfast food if you like. It’s not a problem.”

“Omg. How did we sleep so long?” I asked, reaching over to shake Zane’s shoulder.

“Let him sleep. He was up most of the night watching over you until he passed out around dawn.”

“He’s such a good son,” I whispered, dropping my hand.

“I don’t doubt it. Zane is a sweetheart. We talked for a bit last night. He’s quite protective over his mother.”


“Yeah, babe?”

“Who is this Wraith guy? Why do I feel like I know him?”

Maybe it was stupid to ask her that question, but she smiled, lifting her shoulders and tilting her head to the side without saying a word. “Ask him when he’s out of church.”


“You’ll find out soon enough. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll come back with a tray.”

Nylah crossed the room and left with a wink, shutting the door with a slight click. I didn’t know what to make of her answers. As soon as my head wasn’t pounding nails into my skull, I was finding Grim and demanding the truth.

“THIS IS SO GOOD,” ZANEannounced with a satisfied groan. “The best cheesesteak sandwich I’ve had in ages.”

This was his second sandwich, and that was after potato chips, a sliced apple, and a donut.

“It’s pretty yummy,” I agreed, picking at mine and feeling slightly queasy with the headache. Even the Tylenol hadn’t helped much. “I should have asked for chicken noodle soup.”

“I’ll go ask for it,” he replied, hopping up before I could protest. “I’ll be right back.”

I almost called out and told him to forget it, but I realized he was anxious and wanted to take care of me. How could I say no?