“I am already dead man. I will not say more.”

Rael cracked his knuckles. “You’re wrong about that.”

My hands clenched into fists as the confirmation that Sid was alive and in Nevada sank in. My enemy.

A funny sensation zipped along my forearms, up and over my shoulders, and then into my neck. Electric volts buzzed along my skin, and I looked down, watching in disbelief as my hands disappeared. As in, they totally and completely went invisible. Stunned, I crossed my arms, backing away from the prisoner.

What the fuck just happened?

Was I going crazy?

“You okay?” Ex asked as concern etched into his features.

“I’ve gotten all I need to know. Do what you want with him.”

Rael blinked. “You don’t want to stay for the rest?”

“No,” I growled, stomping off and running up the stairs, nearly colliding with Nylah.

“Hey, Wraith. Is Rael down there?”

She must have finished her shift at the urgent care.

“Yeah. He’s gonna be a while.”

Nylah nodded.

“Can I ask a favor?”

She tilted her head to the side, contemplating what I would need to ask. “Sure.”

“I’ve got two special people in the first guest room. They’re mine, feel me?”


“Tawni and her son are in danger. We brought them here for protection.” I hoped they were resting by now. “Would you keep an eye on them? She’s got a nasty bump on her head. Patriot is in there now and I need to follow up.”

“No problem.”

Nylah followed me to the room, and I tried the knob, finding it unlocked. Patriot was dozing off in a leather chair. He perked up when we entered.

“They’re both asleep now,” he whispered. “Tawni needs rest but she should be fine. Won’t know for sure until she wakes up.”

I moved to the bed and stared down at the two people in this world I wanted by my side. My heart did that funny stutter again as I released a shaky breath. I’d almost forgotten about my hands and noticed they appeared normal—no invisibility issues.

“Zane and his mother will be staying here for as long as they want. Please take care of my woman and my son. I’ll provide anything they need.”

Nylah’s eyes grew so round I thought they would pop out of their sockets. “Sure, Wraith. I met her when she dropped off Yeva. I don’t mind staying with her until she wakes up.”

Shit. I forgot about that. My head was all over the place with this mess.

“You got it, brother.” Patriot clasped me on the shoulder. “I already told you that I had your back.”

Nodding, I swallowed hard and left the room, marveling at the fact that my heart felt like I had dropped it on the bed with Zane and Tawni.

When I got to my room, I stripped down and placed my cut over the nearest chair. Needing to take a piss, I headed into the bathroom, taking care of business before I turned on the sink and washed my hands. I splashed cool water on my face and lifted my head, staring into the mirror like I had done so many times in the past.

Only this wasn’t normal. Not at all.

Because I wasn’t in the goddamn reflection. I was fucking invisible. Nothing. A ghost. A wraith.

Not even a fucking man.

And this wasn’t the first time.

“Fuck,” I cursed, turning around. “I’m going to fucking disappear and never come back one day.”

A dark chuckle left my lips but it wasn’t funny at all.