“Yeah, and how’s that going for you?” I asked, meaning it.

She responded by sending her fist upward toward my face. I caught it just before she nailed my jaw, and twisted her in my arms much like I had the night she returned from her human kill. Only, she was ready for me this time, countering my move with a sweep of her leg and knocking me off-balance.

Okay, maybe Adrik was wrong about the whole digesting alcohol thing because no way she could have done that with me sober.

I had indulged in a good two bottles. Or was it—

“Oof.” Her fist connected with my ribs, knocking the air from my lungs. Nice hit, I thought, pleased with her form.

At least until she aimed for my family jewels.

I snagged her wrist before she could connect and yanked her into me rather than twist her arm up behind her back. She countered by thrusting her knee up into my thigh—a little too close to my groin—and I narrowed my eyes. “That’s against the rules, Zay.”

“So is going into my room uninvited,” she shot back. “And stealing my stuff.”

“Is it stealing when the items in question were stolen?” I asked her, blocking another attempt to knock me off-balance.

She shoved away from me and hunkered down into a fighting stance.

“Really?” I drawled. “I’ve been drinking.”

“Winner keeps the charms,” she said, challenge underlining her tone.

“I already have the charms,” I pointed out. “And I have no incentive to return them.” Nor would I. Not that she stood any chance at winning anyway. She might be quick on her feet and reasonably talented with her hands, but I outweighed her two to one. I also had a lot more experience with much more threatening opponents.

Like Adrik.

Zay could be lethal, in time.

And there was that word again.


I loathed the concept entirely.

“Fine. If you win, I’ll not only drop the charm issue, but I’ll behave for your engagement party. But if I win, I want my charms back.”

“You’ll behave regardless, little warrior.”

“Will I?” She batted her long black eyelashes at me. “Or will I throw a tantrum in the middle of your big night? Decisions, decisions.” She cocked her beautiful head to the side. “I do feel a mental break coming on, Grigory. Maybe I’ll go screaming naked through the ballroom?”

“Are you trying to convince me to stop you?” I asked her seriously. “Because you running naked through any room would be fine with me.”

She sighed as if she found my commentary insufferable. I personally thought I was delightful company. “Just fight me, Grigory.”

“I’m not giving you the charms,” I told her honestly. “I have too much going on this week to worry about you gallivanting around the realms and causing havoc.”

She scoffed. “When do I ever ‘gallivant’?”

“Stop arguing with me, Zay. I’m not in the mood for word games tonight.”

“Well, I’m not in the mood to sit in my room and listen to you fuck your betrothed all night. So give me back my damn charms.”

“Fuck my betrothed?” I repeated, sickened by the thought. “You think I’m going to let her snake-laden pussy ne

ar my cock?” I snorted. “That’s a hard no.”

She finally rose from her fighting stance. “What?”