“You heard me just fine,” I replied. “And why the hell would you care anyway? I’ve had ample females in here with you next door, and you’ve never complained before.”

“I’m well aware of your sexual activities,” she muttered.

“I know. So why do you care about Napia?”

“I don’t.”

“Seems like you do, Zay.” And I sort of liked that it bothered her, too. How fucked up was that? Almost as fucked up as me stepping toward her and walking her into the wall—the one away from the glass.

She put her hands on my chest as if to shove me back but instead narrowed her eyes up at me defiantly. “Don’t.”

“I’m not doing anything.” Such a lie. I was definitely doing something, but fuck if I knew what. Zay had been off-limits from day one for a multitude of reasons.

Adrik would have my balls if I touched her. If he even knew about the dreams, I’d be a dead demon.

Although, they did distract her from the nightmares in her head. So I wasn’t a complete ass for taking advantage of our connection, and I only ever pleased her. Never the other way around.



I pressed my elbow to the wall over her head, my opposite hand going to her hip as I caged her in against the hard surface. However, I left enough room for her to escape if she needed it. I’d seen the vivid nightmares of what happened to her countless times in her head over the last year of knowing her, and I knew better than to block her in without giving her a choice to flee.

Which was why I always handled her with care.

Not that she noticed, as she was too busy glaring at me.

“I want my charms.”

“Is that really why you’re here?” I asked her curiously. “Because you want to be able to leave?”

“Yes.” No hesitation. Yet, she swallowed a beat later and allowed her eyes to flash to my mouth. A quick movement, but I caught it. And it wasn’t driven by fear but by something else entirely.


I could smell it in the air, her arousal a teasing perfume to my nostrils.

Mmm, I adored her scent, all sugar and spice. The perfect definition of her spirit. She was all soft curves and sweetness where it counted on the inside and hard edges on the outside. My feisty warrior.

Except she wasn’t really mine at all.

Just a responsibility I’d inherited from Adrik. One I enjoyed perhaps a little too much.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Her breathless question taunted my mouth, warming the blood in my veins.

“I kind of want to kiss you,” I admitted, tilting my head to the side. “Even though I shouldn’t.”

“Don’t,” she said, her cheeks flushing beautifully. The pink contrasted with her blue hair, drawing my focus upward to the spiky strands.

“What made you choose blue?” I wondered out loud. “Why not red or purple?” They would be more appropriate choices for a Noxia demon. Not that I disliked the blue. It did look rather pretty on her, especially when her eyes matched.

Like they did now.

“I want my charms, Grigory,” she said, bringing us full circle once more.

“I’m not giving them to you, Zaya,” I replied, meeting her gaze again. “This week will be difficult enough to survive without worrying about you.”

“Then don’t worry about me,” she suggested. “Let me go.”