“All right, new schedule,”I said, standing at a stone board with my wand. I pointed the end at the obsidian marble. “Today is defensive training.” The words scrolled across the rock in a fiery scrawl.

The action repeated as I said each new course by day.

Defensive Magic.

Death Magic.

Offensive Magic.

Crash course into ascension/royalty affairs, including historical references, and general strategy.

Quandary Magic.

“We’ll go day by day, taking turns in the demonstrations. But we’ll all be attending and learning together.” That final sentence was for Zakkai, who sat beside Aflora with his arm lazily draped over the back of her chair. He cocked a white brow, his arrogance grating on my nerves.

Because I’d just spent the better part of the last twelve hours hearing him pleasure Aflora on repeat, all damn day. Which meant she hadn’t slept well.

And neither had I.

Fucking prick.

Our only saving grace was the fact that we had bought ourselves some time by coming here because I highly doubted Lucifer would strike a deal with Constantine any time soon.

“This is our training facility.” I glanced at Shade for confirmation and he nodded.

“The gargoyles are ensuring the other students don’t bother us,” he added out loud. “This area is used for advanced courses, but the Headmasters agreed to move them elsewhere for the time being for safety purposes.”

“Good.” Because we were about to unleash some intense and dangerous spells. Best not to be interrupted, especially should I decide to do a defensive demonstration with Zakkai. “Then let the fun begin.”

Aflora didn’t hesitate, her willingness to learn evident in the way she responded to our first day of training. She was tired by the end, her body and mind sore from everything I threw at her, but she didn’t break or bend or beg me to stop. All she said was “more.”

The next day in our Defensive Magic course went much the same way with her memorizing, manipulating, and regurgitating spells. She even put me on my ass a few times—a feat very few could claim. Of course, I was distracted by her mouth because all I wanted to do was kiss her when she managed to replicate an advanced shield using her hands instead of a wand.

The courses continued, Aflora never once wavering or complaining. She was focused and the definition of determination, doing exactly what we told her and adding a few twists of her own.

By night, she was an apt pupil, learning and excelling and perfecting her skill.

And by day, she engaged in a similar routine… in the bedroom.

Constantine remained quiet, the trials lurking somewhere on the horizon. Shade met with his grandmother often, seeking updates. But aside from ensuring all of Midnight Fae kind hated Aflora, he hadn’t given anything away regarding his next trial.

However, we all knew something was coming.

He would be furious that she managed to pass two ascensions with such efficiency, and so quickly, too.

“He’s strategic,” Kols was saying now as we watched Shade and Aflora practice Offensive Magic. It was her third course in the topic, as we were well into our third week here at the Academy. “And the longer he takes, the more nervous I get.”

Zakkai nodded, his silver-blue eyes on Aflora. He’d tied his white hair back at his nape today, displaying his long, athletic neck. And the bite marks Aflora had left there during her time in his bed today before class.

We’d developed a routine on sharing her, with our mate choosing to sleep in a different room each night. She never slept in her own space. I wasn’t even convinced she knew a fourth bedroom existed.

Twice, Shade had chosen to join Kols, me, and Aflora.

Zakkai never did, preferring his solitary time with her.

It was different, but it worked. Because I wasn’t sure I could share her with him. He would try to dictate the show and I refused to submit to him.

Shade didn’t exactly roll over for me either, but he seemed content to follow my lead.