Zakkai would sooner bite me than follow my direction, something he proved weekly during the Quandary Magic classes. I told him not to push our mate too hard, and he translated that as put Aflora in the most dangerous position possible and see if she can survive it.

Dick, I thought, not for the first time.

At least we agreed on Constantine. “He’s definitely planning something big,” he said. “Zenaida either can’t see it coming, or she doesn’t want to risk the outcome by warning us.” He ran his hand over the stubble dotting his jaw, then reached around to roll and pop his neck. “Regardless, we need to be ready.”

“Yes,” Kols agreed. “We do.” He folded his arms and observed Aflora dismantling one of Shade’s resurrection spells with a bout of life from her Earth Magic.

“Impressive,” I murmured, grinning as she created a root from the figment and wrapped it around Shade’s leg. She yanked on it, dropping him to the ground on an oomph. “Ready to duel with someone stronger?” I asked her.

A shadowy figure flew at me half a second later, the Death Magic stealing my breath and taking me to my knees.

I called up a defensive disfiguration spell, dismantling his enchantment and freeing my lungs. Then I shot an offensive charm at him meant to blister his ear drums—that he blasted away with his wand.

“You were saying?” the Death Blood drawled.

“That he wanted me to play with Aflora,” Zakkai replied, sending a net of magic over her that sizzled and sparked and drew a surprised yelp from her. “Figure that out, little star.”

She growled in response, making the hairs along the back of my neck stand on end. “What did you do?” I demanded.

“We’re reminiscing.” Zakkai cocked his head. “Stop snarling, little star. You need your oxygen.”

I stepped forward. “Take it off her.”

“No.” Zakkai looked at me, his stance defensive. “And I don’t recommend trying to help or it’ll make it much worse for her.”

I lifted my wand at him. “Undo it, Zakkai.”

He glanced at my hand and snorted. “Try and you’ll definitely regret it.”

I’m. Fine.Aflora snapped into my mind, drawing my attention to her on the ground where she appeared to be paralyzed beneath a layer of cerulean magic.

You don’t look fine, Aflora.

“Trust her to undo it,” Zakkai interjected. “She might not have us all for her trials. She needs to learn how to work on her own without handicaps. Give her a moment to solve the puzzle.”

He won’t let anything or anyone hurt her, Kols added in my mind. This isn’t just about trusting Aflora to fight her own battles, but also having faith in her mates to keep her safe.

She doesn’t look fucking safe,I snapped back, wincing as she whimpered inside the net. She looks pained, Kolstov.

She does,he agreed. But I have faith she’ll figure it out. And if she doesn’t, I know Zakkai will step in.

What if it’s too late when he does?I countered. What if she gets hurt?

Then he’ll feel like hell afterward, similar to how you did when you killed Clove.His burnt bronze irises met mine, his auburn brow arching. What happened to the Headmaster who wanted Aflora to blossom and grow?

He fell in love.

Kols grinned. Yes. Yes he did. His focus returned to Aflora, his amusement disappearing behind a mask of concern as she struggled across the floor.

I took a step forward, only for Shade to step in front of me. “Let her learn,” he encouraged, his hand wrapping around my wrist to lower my wand to my side. Then his icy gaze flickered to Zakkai, telling me with a look to check the Quandary Blood.

When I glanced at him, I found his expression tight with concentration, his silver-blue gaze intense as he watched Aflora work.

His distraction could work to my advantage. I could knock him out and help Aflora.

Or I could fuck this all up by not trusting him and risk hurting her more with him unable to assist due to a magical coma.

My jaw clenched, my irritation over the situation making my heart beat a little faster.