An immediate chorus of awws commenced.

“Tell us more,” Fancy said. She placed her chin in her hands and propped her elbows on the table. “I love hearing about new beginnings.”

“Okay. There’s no point in hiding it. We’ve gone out a few times,” Hope acknowledged.

“Good for you!” Charlotte said in a spirited voice. “He’s gorgeous.”

Callie let out a low whistle. “You’ve got impeccable taste.”

“Mmm Hmm,” Morgan said, wiggling her eyebrows.

Hope looked around the table. “You don’t mind?” she asked.

Olivia laughed. “Why would we mind? You’re single. He’s single. He’s no longer pursuing legal action against us. And furthermore, he’s related to Miss Hattie.”

Callie grinned. “That is the icing on the cake. Her blood flows in his veins.”

“There’s something gnawing at me though,” Hope admitted.

“What is it?” Charlotte asked. “Something about Grayson?”

“I can’t figure out why Miss Hattie left us Savannah House rather than her own son. Are we to assume she didn’t ever discover Tanner’s whereabouts? Knowing Miss Hattie, it’s hard to believe she wouldn’t have attempted to find him.”

Olivia frowned. “From what I remember about Marc’s visit to Martha’s Vineyard, Grayson told Marc his father bypassed an opportunity to meet Miss Hattie,” Olivia said. “To me, that sounded like contact had been made and Tanner chose not to pursue it.”

“It’s vague. It could mean any number of things. But my gut is telling me that Tanner did have a chance to meet Miss Hattie. Why wouldn’t he follow through with it?” Hope asked. Something wasn’t quite making sense to her. Perhaps it was the fact that Grayson’s dad seemed MIA.

“Would you feel comfortable asking Grayson directly?” Morgan asked. “It might resolve your questions.”

“And maybe something did happen between Miss Hattie and Tanner. It would explain why Tanner isn’t here with Grayson. I mean…isn’t he interested in his heritage?” Callie asked with a frown.

“I can try and find out,” Hope said. “Grayson does have the official birth certificate. That could point to Miss Hattie authorizing a release of records. I recall reading an article a few years ago about adoptees being able to access records if both parties agreed to it.”

“I think that’s pretty standard now, although it’s pretty crazy thinking those records were still intact all these years later,” Morgan said. “I’m going to ask my mother about whether or not Miss Hattie ever confided in her about having a baby. She’s still on that trip around the world, but she’ll be home in a few days.”

“She deserves a break,” Hope said, feeling all warm and fuzzy about Pearl getting a much deserved trip of a lifetime. She’d been Miss Hattie’s personal assistant for decades. The loss of her dear friend had greatly affected her.

“I think Grayson mentioned his father was adopted out of a foundling home. He showed me some paperwork. It was in Florida, but I can’t remember the name of it,” Hope said.

“I’m glad the two of you are seeing each other. You deserve to be happy,” Charlotte said, smiling at Hope.

“He’s the first man in a very long time who’s interested in me,” Hope confessed. She fiddled with her fingers. “And I’m just as interested in him as he is in me. I’ve struggled since my relationship with Ella’s father ended.”

There was silence at the table. It was clear to Hope that no one knew what to say. It was her fault. This whole time she’d been keeping secrets. It had to end. Today. She began to speak, directly from her heart.

“I want to explain. If I can. I fell in love with someone. His name was Ross. For a period of time he made me feel as if I was his everything. The sun, moon and the stars above. I thought he loved me. He told me he did.” Her voice trembled and she bowed her head. She couldn’t look into their eyes. She didn’t want to see disappointment staring back at her. She heaved a gigantic sigh.

“I fell for his lies. Hook, line and sinker. When I told him about being pregnant with Ella he told me to get rid of her.” Hope shut her eyes as the tears began to fall. It was so painful to relive the worst moment of her life. “He went crazy saying how I was trying to ruin his life and I meant nothing to him.”

Hope let out a sob. The worst part of the story needed to be told. “He told me he was married with kids at home. I-I couldn’t believe all of his sick and twisted lies. He’d presented himself as single and available. And I compromised my beliefs because he pressured me. He said he loved me and I thought I might lose that love. It was so weak of me.” She looked up. Tears blurred her vision. She could barely make out her friends’ faces. “But I don’t regret having Ella. She’s my world and the absolute best part of me. I compromised my principles with Ross, who turned out to be thoroughly rotten. Ella on the other hand, is my jewel. It’s rather amazing how God graced me with the gift of Ella even though the circumstances were terrible and the furthest thing from Godly.”

Olivia moved toward Hope and placed her arm around her. “Oh, Hope. You didn’t have anything to be ashamed of. We’re all human. We all fall. Ross sounds like a user and a manipulative jerk. Not to mention an unapologetic liar.”

Callie nodded her head vigorously. “Absolutely. And you’re right about Ella. She’s more precious than anything else. That’s what truly matters.”

“Thank you,” Hope said, swiping at her eyes. “I just feel so foolish. Ross was a married man when we were involved. How could I have been so blind?”

Charlotte squeezed Hope’s hand. “When I was assaulted I felt a lot of guilt. Was it my fault? Had I done something to make it happen? In the end I realized it wasn’t my fault. Ross chos