e to act in a dishonorable way. That’s for him to live with. You can’t carry that burden on your shoulders any longer.”

“I refuse to carry that burden. It would be disastrous for Ella to grow up with a mother who let something so terrible weigh her down. Ross has no idea I gave birth to Ella. He basically told me he wanted nothing to do with our baby. So before I left Savannah to have Ella, I made him sign paperwork giving up all rights to our child.” Her mouth twisted. “He couldn’t sign that document fast enough. We’re well rid of him. Ella doesn’t need any poison in her life.”

“We love you, Hope,” Fancy said. “And we’re crazy about Ella. I’m sorry you went through such a painful ordeal.”

“I’m sorry it took so long for me to tell you everything. I just wasn’t emotionally ready to confront it all,” Hope confessed.

“It’s all right,” Olivia said in a gentle voice. “We’re just glad you opened up to us. You can tell us anything! We’re never going to judge you.”

Hope felt so much lighter now that her truths had been told. Everyone seemed very accepting of her choice to cut Ross out of their lives. She often wondered if someday Ella would resent her for it, but deep down Hope knew Ross had already made the choice for her. For now, and for always, Ella would be her child.

“So, does anyone else have any secrets to tell?” Callie asked.

Slowly, Olivia raised her hand up in the air. “I do,” she said in a soft voice.

All eyes turned toward her.

“Okay,” Morgan said. “Spill it.”

“I don’t know for sure, but I think I’m pregnant,” Olivia announced, her brown eyes wide in her heart-shaped face.

“What?” Callie exploded, her pretty features lit up with joy. “Are you serious?

Pandemonium broke loose at the table. Everyone began shouting and cheering.

“Wait a minute,” Hope said, holding up her hand. “What do you mean think? Have you been to a doctor?”

“What did Hunter say?” Fancy asked, wiping away happy tears.

“I haven’t been to the doctor yet, and Hunter just got back this morning from a business trip to China, so I haven’t told him yet,” Olivia explained.

“So what makes you think you’re pregnant?” Morgan asked with a frown.

“Oh, just about ten over the counter pregnancy tests,” Olivia said with a deep chuckle.

The girls began to laugh at the idea of Olivia taking so many home pregnancy tests. Hope could actually picture it in her mind.

“I’m so happy for you, Olivia,” Fancy said. She looked around the table. “Case and I have decided to consult a doctor about getting pregnant.” Her chin trembled. “We’ve been trying for a while now with no success. We just want to make sure there’s nothing wrong.”

Charlotte patted her on the shoulder. “That’s the way to go about it. Don’t you worry, Fancy. Sometimes it takes a while to get pregnant. Before you know it, you’ll have a house full of kids.”

Fancy hugged Charlotte. She was beaming at the suggestion she’d be a mother many times over. Love and support bounced off the walls in the parlor. It hummed and buzzed in the air around them. Hope knew no matter what obstacles life prevented them with, they would always stick together.

She was counting on it!

“The past isn’t just any old thing. It’s everything.” Pearl Lucas

Chapter Nine

Several weeks passed during which Grayson found himself getting a foothold in Savannah and Tybee Island. The ladies of Savannah House had told him he had a standing invitation to visit the resort whenever he liked. He’d visited the local historical society as well as the Savannah and Tybee Island archives in order to gain more knowledge about the Alexander family. Grayson had uncovered so much information he felt he could write a book on his ancestors. They had been innovative, loving and creative people.

And slowly but surely, Hope had allowed him to spend time with Ella. He perfectly understood her initial desire to wait until their relationship had developed before allowing him in to her daughter’s world. Ella was an amazing little girl. Sweet and loving, she greeted him with kisses and hugs every time he was in her orbit. He had gifted her with a basket full of his books and some toys. It had been a hit! Ella had been full of smiles and giggles.

Hope and Ella were coming over in a little while. They would be spending the day together making new memories.

A loud knock sounded on his door. Grayson made his way to the door in a few easy strides. He wrenched the door open, eager to see Hope’s beautiful face. He wanted to hold her in his arms. Every time he was with her he found himself wanting to dig deeper and deeper until there was nothing they didn’t know about the other. For a man who had resisted= making lasting connections with women his entire adult life—he suddenly found himself wanting something permanent with Hope. It was becoming harder and harder to imagine himself heading back to Martha’s Vineyard and living a life without Hope and Ella.

His heart sank the moment he opened the door and came face to face with his father, Tanner Holloway. Objectively speaking, Tanner was a good looking man. Tall and lean with a head full of gray-streaked hair, he looked a great deal younger than his seventy-four years. Grayson knew women half his father’s age who had expressed interest in dating him. Sadly, Tanner hadn’t really dated since divorcing Grayson’s mother. Work had been his all-consuming obsession.