Hope felt too choked up to speak. She didn’t even know Grayson that well and here he stood, building her up with kind words and compliments. Tears flooded her eyes. “T-thank you,” she said, pushing the words out of her mouth. “Here you are speaking about me in such glowing terms when I haven’t been as magnanimous toward you.”

Grayson reached out and tweaked her cheek. “It’s okay. You had no reason to have a good opinion of me. Before I ever stepped in this town I filed a motion that seemed threatening to you…to all of you.” He let out a bitter sounding laugh. “I made a wrong choice in doing that, Hope. I wish I’d handled things differently.”

“You’ve redeemed yourself in my eyes, Grayson. I never thought I’d say this, but I understand your desire to come here to Tybee Island, to invest in your heritage and a quest for answers.”

“I appreciate your saying that, Hope. I just want you to know you’re worthy. Of the fairytale. Of love. Of a man’s absolute devotion. The white picket fence and the perfect house with all the trimmings. A man would have to be crazy to not want to give you all that.” He placed his hands on both sides of her face.

“From the first moment I saw you, Hope Matthews, I’ve thought you were the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Or ever will see.”

Hope gasped. For a moment she just gazed at him. “No one’s ever said anything even remotely like that to me.”

“I’m glad to be the first.”

She felt a chill sweep across her shoulders. She began to tremble, although for the life of her she wasn’t sure whether it was due to Grayson or the cool night air. Before she knew it, Grayson had shrugged off his tuxedo jacket and placed it around her shoulders.

“Thank you, Grayson,” she said in a soft voice. He was wowing her with his attentiveness. “I have to tell you,” she admitted, “when you look at me, I feel as if you’re really seeing me. I haven’t felt that way in a really long time.”

“Truth is, no one has ever made me feel the way you do. I know you’re a little scared. Wary. It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me why or talk about the past and Ella’s father. Hopefully, one day soon you’ll feel it’s the right time to share those things with me.”

She looked up at him, her heart soaring at the power of his words. He knew she was a little bit broken, but he was all right with it. “I’d like to share those things with you…someday.”

“I want you to know if you give me the chance, I’ll never hurt you. Not ever.” His voice rang out with truth. She wanted so badly to believe him, but she knew he was only human.

“That’s a mighty big promise. People hurt each other all the time, Grayson.”

“A woman like you should be cherished,” he said, tracing her lips with his fingertip. “She is more precious than rubies and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared with her.”

Grayson dipped his head down and placed his lips over hers. It was the gentlest of kisses, as if he was trying to show her how tender he could be with her. Hope reached out and clung to his shirt, steadying herself in the process. Her knees felt weak. She’d never been kissed with such intensity before, not even by Ross. She felt as if she was flying high in the sky, soaring among the clouds. Hope kissed Grayson back with an equal measure of tenderness. She hadn’t expected this! Hope hadn’t dared to believe a man could make her feel such a wealth of emotion.

Feeling. She was finally feeling something. For so long her heart had been encased in ice. Frozen in time. And now, because of Grayson, the thawing had begun. Her soul was soaring. And it felt good.

As the kiss ended, Grayson placed his forehead against hers. “This is the first of many kisses to come,” he whispered.

“You really are cocky,” she teased. “Assuming there will be more kisses.”

He let out a groan. “That was supposed to sound romantic, not arrogant. I like kissing you, Hope Matthews. And I suppose I do feel confident because that’s how you make me feel. And let me tell you, it’s a good feeling.”

“You make me feel good too,” she admitted in a soft voice. She felt nervous, knowing she was stepping out on a limb of faith in making this admission. It had been so long since she’d let herself be open and honest with a man. It felt like a lifetime since she’d harbored hope in her heart.

“Let’s go back inside,” Grayson said, reaching for her hand and entwining it with his own.

Once she stepped back inside Hope vowed not to feel self-conscious. She knew people were staring at her as she danced with Grayson and spent the evening at his side. She couldn’t ignore the curious glances of Charlotte, Fancy, Olivia, Morgan and Callie. Even though they pretended to be unaffected, Hope knew they were wondering what was going on between her and Grayson.

At the end of the evening, Grayson walked her home. They held hands as they walked the short distance to the cottage.

“Look at that moon!” Grayson cried out, pointing up to the heavens.

Hope looked up at the onyx sky. She gasped at the sight of the super-sized full moon. It was luminescent. “It’s beautiful.”

Grayson turned toward her, his handsome face visible by the light of the moon. “It is, but not half as beautiful as you.”

No words on her part were needed. The compliment settled over her like a warm breeze. She knew it might have been just a line he threw out to women he wanted to court, but in her heart she felt he was being sincere.

All she knew for sure was that it felt like the perfect ending for a stellar evening.

He walked her to her door and placed a romantic kiss on her temple. She wouldn’t have minded another kiss on the lips, but she knew from her past history that small steps were best. Grayson Holloway packed quite a punch. She needed to tread carefully. Once she went inside she peeked out of the window, making sure Grayson didn’t see her looking. Her eyes trailed after his figure as he walked down the driveway and out of sight.

Clara walked into the living room. “Hey, Hope. How was your evening?”