The spring soiree at Savannah House was in full swing by the time Hope arrived. She discreetly looked for Grayson, but she didn’t see him anywhere. Disappointment threatened to deflate her. It was silly to feel this way, she chided herself. Relying on Grayson to make her feel good was ridiculous. She barely knew him, and from the information she did possess about him, he was a lady’s man. She needed to remember that fact. Been there, done that, she reminded herself.

Putting her best foot forward, Hope navigated the party like a pro. She plastered a smile on her face, danced to the upbeat rhythms with everyone who asked, sampled the food offerings and socialized with all of the guests. It seemed to Hope that everywhere she looked there were couples. Normally it didn’t make her feel badly, but at the moment it created a feeling of loneliness deep in her soul.

Would she ever find her other half? Should she have invited Grayson as her date?

She needed a breath of fresh air. Hope pushed past the set of French doors onto the patio. A blast of cool air hit her squarely in the face. You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself!

It was gorgeous outside. The area had been decked out for this evening. Little twinkling lights had been strung on the tree limbs and bushes, creating a magical atmosphere throughout the grounds. Hope breathed in the fresh spring air. It fortified her.

“What are doing out here?” The deep timbre of Grayson’s voice enfolded her like a warm, cozy blanket. For some reason she didn’t even feel surprised he’d showed up outside.

“Grayson! You’re here!” Immediately, her spirits lifted.

“I am. I’ve been looking for you all over the place, but with so many people inside it was kind of difficult to locate you. So why are you outside when the party is in there?”

Hope shrugged. She loved being outdoors in the garden. She felt a sense of pride knowing she was helping to keep the grounds beautiful and well-maintained. It made her feel more connected with the world around her. Inheriting Savannah House had been a Godsend. Along with Ella, it had given Hope a purpose.

“I love being out here. It’s my Zen place. When the voices get too loud I come out here to just breathe.” She spread her arms wide. “There’s so much natural beauty out here. This was one of Miss Hattie’s favorite spots. She used to host garden parties out here.”

“I can see that. It’s a beautiful spot,” Grayson said, gazing all around the garden.

Hope had worked tirelessly to help the gardeners create the perfect garden for the resort. It had been her vision. And they had all worked tirelessly to see it come to fruition.

“Did something happen in there?” he asked, his handsome features creased with worry. “You seemed like your feet were on fire when you came out here. I called out to you, but you didn’t hear me.”

She hadn’t even seen or heard Grayson. Hope felt at a loss to explain herself. She didn’t want to sound bitter or envious. She loved all of her friends, but at events such as tonight’s soiree, she felt like the odd person out.

“Not really. It’s not easy being the only single one.” A sigh slipped past her lips. “Everyone else is coupled up. The last one to fall was Charlotte. And now she’s all coupled up with Marc.” She shook her head. “Don’t get me wrong. I always root for love. And I’m happy for every single one of them. But it’s hard not to feel a little down about my own situation.”

“What is it that you want?” Grayson asked. His expression was intense. Hope had the feeling he really truly wanted to know her answer.

She looked up at him with moist eyes. “I want what everyone else has. I want the fairytale.” Her voice came out like a whisper, almost as if she was hesitant to voice her true desires.

“And who says you can’t have it?”

Hope shot him an annoyed look. “Don’t pretend as if you don’t know.” She let out a sigh. “I’m a single mother. With no father even remotely in the picture. I get judged all the time. Even at church! Men look at me sometimes like I’m tarnished goods. Any man who seeks something meaningful with me has to look at the whole picture. That can be daunting!”

Grayson reached out and swept his hand across her shoulder.

Hope frowned at him. “What was that about?”

“I was trying to get rid of that chip on your shoulder. You’re talking as if you know the hearts and minds of every man on the planet. If you want the fairytale, set your mind right. Start thinking you deserve it. Because from where I’m standing you’re not acting like it at all.”

Hope didn’t know what to say. A chip on her shoulder? Was that possible? She’d never been told that by anyone before. She always viewed herself as pragmatic and realistic. Had she been kidding herself?

Don’t be afraid to take a good long look at yourself in the mirror. Miss Hattie’s strong voice buzzed in her ear. Had she been viewing others in a jaded way and not giving them the benefit of the doubt or extending them grace?

“I don’t mean to sound like that,” she said in a small voice. “Or make it seem as if the world is against me.” She ducked her head down as shame swept over her. Hope wasn’t one to blame others for all her ills. Her faith encouraged her to put her best foot forward and embrace each day with optimism and grace.

Had she allowed Ross and his poor treatment of her to change her mindset? She didn’t want to be that type of person. What kind of role model would she be for her daughter if she allowed negativity to swallow her up?

Ella deserved a mother who saw a world full of sunshine and endless possibilities. Of course she knew life could be unfair and cruel and mean, but she wanted to cling to the good things.

She looked away from Grayson’s intense gaze. Hope felt far too vulnerable at the moment to risk the intimate connection. The eyes truly were the mirrors of the soul. She could get lost in Grayson’s eyes when she felt so defenseless.

Grayson moved closer toward her. “Hope. Any man who can’t see you for what you are—a gorgeous, talented, kind and giving woman—is all kinds of crazy. You make motherhood look like a breeze because you do it with such p

erfection. But I know you work tirelessly to put bread on the table and to keep Ella safe and happy. And she is a happy little girl. Because of you and the sacrifices you make for her each and every day.”