Savannah’s Candy Kitchen. The decorative sign came into view, along with bright red doors and a colorful awning. Fancy practically skipped inside, her movements showing her enthusiasm.

Once they stepped inside, an employee held out a tray to them. “Care for a sample? These are just out of the oven. Chocolate pecan pralines.”

“My favorites. Thank you.”Fancy reached out and took one from the plate. He watched as she bit into the praline and closed her eyes as she let out a moan of appreciation. “This is so yummy, Case. It literally melted in my mouth.”

Her movements were mesmerizing as she devoured the candy with gusto. He knew he was staring, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her. In some ways, it felt as if he was seeing her through new eyes. There was nothing like time and distance to make a person appreciate what they’d once had. What he’d been foolish enough to cast off.

They moved around the shop, checking out all the merchandise and tasting every sample offered to them. Case began placing items in a little basket so he could purchase them.

“Sea salt caramels,” Case said as he reached for one of the samples of his favorite chocolates. He turned toward Fancy. “You’ve got to taste this.” He selected one of the sea salt caramels and placed it in her mouth.

“Oh. Mmm,” Fancy said after a few seconds. “It’s brilliant. The mix of salt and sweet is incredible. It made my tongue do a little dance.”

Case wanted to kiss her right then and there. He resisted the impulse. He’d never been into public displays of affection, but he’d almost thrown caution to the wind and done it.

“You’ve got a little bit of caramel on your lip,” he said, trying hard not to laugh as she began to swipe unsuccessfully at her mouth. He reached out and wiped it away, allowing his finger to linger for a moment longer than necessary on her lips. She looked up at him, her expressive eyes appearing as if she was waiting for something. A kiss, perhaps? Maybe she was feeling the same emotions that were racing through him. All he wanted at this moment was to be close to her, to take her in his arms and place kisses all over her mouth…cheeks…earlobes…neck.

“Thank you,” she said, clearing her throat. “I think I’ve had my fair share. After that amazing meal we had, I don’t want to get a bellyache.”

Case winked at her. “I think I’d better buy something, so they don’t think we’re just here for the samples.”

By the time they left, Case had bought several assortments of the confections. As they stepped outside the shop, Case immediately spotted the horse and carriage he had hired to drive them around the city.

“Our chariot awaits,” Case said, gesturing toward the white horse and carriage.

“That’s for us?” Fancy asked, shaking her head and sputtering with laughter.

“Yes. I remember it was something you always wanted to do,” Case said. “It seemed like a great way to unwind after dinner.”

“It’s perfect,” Fancy said, her voice oozing enthusiasm.

Case took her hand and led her toward the carriage, not letting go until she’d stepped up into the carriage. He followed behind her, sitting down next to her so that their sides were slightly touching.

The driver turned around and tipped his hat at them. “Good evening. I’m Antoine. I’m happy to be showing you around my favorite city in the world.”

“Evening,” Case said, feeling in great spirits. This night had unfolded perfectly. He hoped this would be the icing on the cake.

“Is this your first time in Savannah?” Antoine asked.

The sound of Fancy’s tinkling laughter filled the air. “No, sir. We were both raised here. Both of us are Savannah born and bred.”

“You don’t say.” Antoine’s pleasant features lit up with surprise. “I thought the two of you might be on your honeymoon.” He turned back to face the horse and picked up the reins. “Well, allow me to showcase the city we all know and love. Sit back and enjoy the ride.”

As Antoine led them down River Street, Case placed his arm around Fancy’s shoulder and drew her closer against his side. Although he knew this city like the back of his hand, it felt as if he was seeing it from a different vantage point. As they passed the waterfront, the Savannah River Queen came into view, large and majestic. He drew the blanket over them, mindful of the crisp night air. He felt Fancy’s hand gripping his own. He couldn’t put into words how much he’d missed simple gestures such as this one. For the next hour they were driven around Savannah by Antoine, who occasionally turned back toward them in order to comment on a statue or a particular landmark.

“Thank you for this wonderful evening,” Fancy said, turning toward him, her beautiful face lit up with happiness. It felt great knowing he’d managed to make her smile tonight.

“Thank you for stepping out on a limb of faith and saying yes. You could have easily turned me down flat,” he said, thanking his lucky stars that she hadn’t said no.

“Not a chance. You know I’ve always had a hard time saying no to you, Case Duvall,” Fancy whispered, her pink lips tempting him to distraction.

“Fancy,” Case said in a low voice. She turned her face up toward him, sending him an unmistakable signal that she wanted to be kissed. With a groan, Case surrendered. He dipped his head down and captured her sweet lips in the most romantic of kisses. He trailed his fingers down the side of her face as he murmured her name. Her lips moved against his with an equal measure of urgency. It was as if this kiss was the most important thing in the world for both of them. The kiss was soaring and uplifting. It held the promise of something wonderful in store for them.

Although he had vowed to take things slowly with Fancy, he now knew that it might not be possible. He was head over heels in love with this woman, and he didn’t want to waste any more time being apart from her. God willing, he wouldn’t have to.

Dear Lord, he prayed. Give me another shot at a happily-ever-after with this one-in-a-million woman. I promise you, I’ll never take our love for granted again.
