“Oh, Case. Of course I’m interested. That word doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel. There’s nothing in this world I want more.” She knew it might be foolish to lay her heart on the line after everything that had happened between them, but she needed to meet him halfway. Life had taught her that tomorrows were never promised. She wasn’t going to leave anything unsaid that she might regret in the morning. She’d be kicking herself tomorrow if she didn’t reach out and grab this chance at restoring everything between them.

Case’s grin nearly took over his entire face. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Goodnight, Fancy.” He dipped his head down and brushed a kiss across her lips. It was done so quickly she almost thought she might have imagined it. He opened her car door and helped her in, waiting until she was fully seated to close the door for her. As she started her engine and roared out of the driveway, she looked up in her rear-view mirror and saw Case standing exactly where she’d left him. Although she couldn’t see the expression on his face, a jolt of excitement raced through her veins.

Just as she’d driven off, Fancy had turned toward him to get one last look at his beautiful face. There was no mistaking the look etched on his handsome features. Back when they were a couple, she’d seen this particular look on his face on many occasions. But it had been so very long since she’d seen it.

It made her heart soar. Case Duvall had resembled a man who was very much in love with a woman. It felt both thrilling and scary at the same time.

“If love doesn’t make you even a little bit nervous, then you’re not doing it right.” Hunter Rawlings

Chapter Seven

Case couldn’t remember a time when he’d felt so nervous. It was ridiculous, considering he was pretty suave when it came to women. He let out a sigh. Fancy wasn’t just any woman. That was the problem. She was it. The woman. His earth, sun, moon and stars. For way too long he’d pushed her to the background, thinking that he could get over what he felt for her. He’d been stupid to think that the love of a lifetime could be stuffed down like a bad memory.

He was done with pretending. And he didn’t care one bit about what his family thought. Ever since he’d broken off his engagement to Fancy, his life had been empty. He’d put on a good game face, but deep down where it mattered most he’d been a shell of his former self. He hadn’t been happy. And he could blame Fancy and Marc and his family for the choices he’d made or he could take stock of himself and come to terms with his faults.

For weeks now he’d been taking a good look in the mirror and facing his truths. He’d prayed and talked to God and truly tried to focus on who he was as a man. What were his values at his core? Who did he want to be? And how did he see himself making his way in the world? And who did he envision at his side?

And in many ways, he wasn’t happy with the man staring back at him. For a very long time now, he’d immersed himself in work. He’d buried his heart under a mass of rubble. It had been a means of sparing himself from getting his heart banged around again. But it hadn’t worked. His heart had been aching this whole time being apart from Fancy. He’d never truly healed.

Tonight was a step forward. Although there were no guarantees, he was going to do his best to win back the woman of his dreams. He wasn’t going to overwhelm her with his feelings, but he was going to show her by word and deed that she still owned his heart.

At six o’clock sharp, he was standing by at the River walk, directly across the street from the restaurant he’d chosen for their dinner. It was a romantic and intimate venue, with soft lighting, amazing food and impeccable service. It hadn’t been one of their regular dining spots in the past, which in his opinion, was a good thing. He wanted to start fresh with Fancy and not get mired down by their past relationship. It would be a delicate balance. Remembering the beautiful parts of their relationship, while at the same time not dwelling on the mistakes they’d both made.

Fancy had told him not to pick her up at her parents’ house. She hadn’t wanted her mother to place too much of an emphasis o

n their date. Case chuckled as he remembered Fancy’s words. “If Mama finds out that we’re spending time together, she’s going to start sending out wedding invitations.”

Case knew Fancy’s words hadn’t been far from the truth. June had never made a secret of her affection for him or her wholehearted approval for their engagement. It had driven Fancy a little bit crazy that her mother had put him up on a pedestal.

“You beat me here.” Fancy’s voice washed over him like summer rain. He turned to greet her, sucking in a breath at the sight of her. As always, the sight of her blew him away. She was dressed in a black pair of slacks with a matching black velvet jacket. The blush colored shirt she wore underneath peeked through, lending her outfit a pop of color.

“I came straight from work, so I didn’t have too far to go.” Why was his heart thumping so wildly? And why did he feel tongue-tied all of a sudden? He felt like a teenager on his very first date. Only Fancy could do this to him.

For a moment they just stared at one another. He didn’t know for sure if Fancy felt the same way he did, but it seemed as if both of them were standing on the precipice of something wonderful. Both of them were a bit nervous about where things might lead. And he couldn’t speak for Fancy, but he felt jazzed about all the possibilities.

“I hope you’re hungry.” He flashed Fancy a smile, deciding to break the ice by talking about food. He gestured toward the street with his hand. “Our reservation is for six fifteen. Shall we?”

Fancy smiled back at him. He placed his hand protectively at the base of her spine as they crossed the street and headed toward the restaurant.

Over sumptuous food, sparkling wine and wonderful music, Case and Fancy talked, laughed and fell back into a familiar rhythm. It was strange, Case realized, to feel as if almost no time had passed since they had been together. He knew it was because once you truly knew a person, that never left you. No matter how wide the distance, it was still possible to pick up just where you left off.

At the end of dinner, he didn’t suggest dessert for either one of them. He had a little something up his sleeve that would make Fancy smile. And satisfy her sweet tooth.

“Are you in the mood for something sweet and savory?” Case asked, as he held the door open of Le Bijoux for her.

“Hmm. Are you talking about coffee?” She looked up at him as they stood outside on the sidewalk.

“No, but that’s a good guess.” Case wiggled his eyebrows. “Savannah’s Candy Kitchen.”

Fancy stopped in her tracks. Her mouth hung open. “Seriously? I haven’t been there in forever. It’s way too tempting for my waistline.”

With a model’s figure, Fancy didn’t need to worry about her figure. But he wasn’t about to say it out loud. He hadn’t met a single woman who didn’t count calories in so way or the other.

He nudged her. “Come on. Live a little. Indulge your sweet tooth.”

Fancy shrugged. “I’m weak. I’m not going to put up much of a fight against my favorite candy shop.”

They both laughed as Case grabbed her by the hand and they began walking down the cobblestoned street. Before they even saw the candy store, heavenly aromas began to waft in the air. Case breathed in deeply, savoring the scent of chocolate and nuts and a dozen other delicacies that stirred his senses.