I laugh around my food. “I mean, I wouldn’t push him out of bed.”

Didn’t last night when we were sleeping side by side. It hadn’t even annoyed me when he’d snored for a bit, the quiet rumbles of his chest and breathing more soothing than obnoxious.

It felt good to have someone beside me.

Forgot what that felt like…

“You’re physically attracted to him, and you didn’t want to shove him out of bed last night when he spent the night, am I correct? Have I got that right?”

“It annoys me so bad when all you want to be is right.”

“I’m not trying to be right. I’m just…looking for clarification. I want to help you move on. I think it’s time for you to put yourself out there and stop being afraid.”

“I’m not afraid.” Is it me, or do I sound defensive?

“Fine. Let me rephrase that.” Posey crosses her arms and leans back in the chair, looking very much like my old therapist, Judy. “I think it’s time you put yourself out there, and maybe… let down that guard you have up? You and I both know you have a wall around yourself, and you haven’t really given anyone a chance to get to know you unless they have a pair of boobs and a vagina.”

“Fair enough. Except all of my dates have been with fuck boys.”

“Listen, those fuck boys provide us with a lot of entertainment on those rainy nights we stay in and watch movies.” Smiling, she takes a sip of orange juice.

“And by the way, Miss ‘I want you to put yourself out there,’ you shouldn’t be talking. When’s the last time you were on a date?”

“Hey, this isn’t about me. This is about the fact that you had a very nice guy here who took you on a date last night—”

“It wasn’t a real date.”

She ignores me. “Who watched TV with you and fell asleep with you and didn’t make a move because he’s actually a gentleman.”

All accurate.

“Does not a boyfriend make.”

“No, but it could be the beginning of a love story if you let it.”

I mull this over in my brain. “Okay…so…how do we move from the friend zone then, Miss Know-it-all? It’s impossible.”

“Duh—you show up at his office naked, wearing a trench coat.”

“People get arrested for that.”

“You’re not going to go to Central Park naked, Molly. You’re going to his office.”

“It is wayyy too soon to be showing up naked anywhere. Request denied.” I push my empty plate away. “What else you got?”

She shrugs. “Maybe we should google ideas. That is, if you’re up for it."

“How pathetic are we? Having to google ways to get out of the friend zone.”

“Pause.” Posey hesitates. “Just so we’re clear, this is you admitting you want to get busy with Eli.”

My head tips back as I laugh. “This is me admitting…it wouldn’t kill me to admit I think he’s a great guy. But also Pose, he also has a lot of residual baggage from a horrible breakup. It was worse than mine and involved cheating.”

Her eyes get wide as saucers. “He cheated on her?”

“No, she cheated on him.” I pause for dramatic effect. “With a client.”

Posey smacks a hand over her mouth. “Stop it! No!”

“Yes! His girlfriend from college slept with one of his football clients and,” another dramatic pause. “She’s pregnant with his baby!”

Posey damn near falls out of her chair. “Stop it! Get out! Who is it?” She has her phone out faster than I can say the baller’s name, fingers already doing an online search. “Ew, he looks like a slimeball.” More scrolling. “This is her? She’s tacky as fuck.”

“She’s a brilliant attorney.” I’m assuming so anyway. Eli didn’t actually tell me she was, but he’s attracted to smart women, so…

“Just because she’s brilliant doesn’t mean she’s not a gold digger.” Posey thrusts her phone in my direction, forcing me to look at the photo.

I push back at it with my palm. “I’ve seen her already, thanks.”

“You have?” The phone gets set back down on the table. “When?”

“Two weeks ago at a broadcasting awards ceremony banquet thing. There was this woman wearing a long, green gown, and he looked like he’d seen a ghost and wanted to leave. So we left. I only got a glimpse, but it was enough.”

Posey purses her lips. “I feel bad for men who find themselves in relationships with women like that. Social climbers—she probably only went to law school so she could meet her first husband.”

The M-R-S Degree.

You hear about it all the time. Young women going to college solely to meet a guy and get coupled. Not so much anymore, but back when our mothers were younger, this happened more often.

“I think young women are savvier now than they used to be, Pose—I doubt she went to college with the purpose of trapping a guy into a relationship.”