“Pfft.” She scoffs, sounding too much like me for comfort. “Don’t underestimate that woman. She saw a step up and took it.”

“How is a football player a step up from a sports agent?” I wonder. “Football players retire and don’t get a pension. An agent can work until he’s sixty-five if he’s any good at his job. Some of these dudes are worth nine figures.”

“For real?”

“Yes, for real. Laura from college is out of her damn mind tossing him aside for an athlete.”

Posey pins me with a stare. “You totally like him.”

“I already told you he’s a nice guy.”

“Big deal, there are a million nice guys in this world.”

“He’s handsome and kind of funny? And I love the fact that he doesn’t take any bullshit, and he works hard at the same time he’s trying to slow things down to enjoy life more.”

“Are you…” Posey pauses. “Falling in love with him?”

“What? No! Are you kidding me? I’ve known him for two weeks. Three, tops. No one falls in love that fast.”

Besides, all we’ve done is hang out in a casual way, like two colleagues going to events. I went with him to two work things, sat with him on an airport runway, and chilled with him in front of the TV.

Zero sexual chemistry.


I don’t think? Or was I not paying close enough attention?

“What would you do if he kissed you?”

“When would he kiss me?” I steal a sausage from her plate. “This is a heavy topic so early in the morning, jeez.”

“It’s hypothetical. Can’t you be fun and play along for once in your life?”

“Fine. Okay.” I close my eyes for a second to conjure up an image of Eli. My thoughts immediately go to his sandy brown hair and the scruff he had on his face last night after missing a shave. He certainly looked more rugged after he changed into his gym clothes, a look I appreciated about him and was attracted to.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love the clean business attire, but he certainly looked more approachable while he was wearing track pants and a tee shirt, and padded around my house in bare feet.

I picture us again on the couch wrapped in blankets, only a bag of chips between us. Leaning forward and closing my eyes, the heat from his body warming mine as our lips pressed together. His mouth is soft and undemanding, but the kiss I imagine is brief because we both pull back at the same time and stare at each other, startled.

“What was that?” he’d question.

“I don’t know,” I’d say. “Did I kiss you, or did you kiss me?”

“Um, are you blushing? You’re blushing.” Posey cackles, interrupting my daydream.

“You asked me to think about what I would do if he kissed me!” I shout with a laugh. “I was following directions!”

“Following erections is more like it.” She giggles immaturely.

“There was no dick in that daydream—only lips.”

“So how was it?”


She looks oddly disappointed. “Just fine?”

“It wasn’t a real kiss, jackass! It was in my brain, so there were no fireworks involved.”

“Well.” She stands, clearing the table by stacking her plate and mine, then collecting the silverware. “When are you planning on seeing him again?”

“Don’t know. He didn’t say. But he doesn’t need me, so…”

“Maybe not, but you’re friends now, so he’s going to want you around.” Posey gives me a hip check. “You’re good company.”

“You’re just saying that because you love me.”


Plates and forks get set on the counter. It’s my job to load the dishwasher, but I’m not in the mood right now, electing instead to lean my buns against the counter and fold my arms.

“You should text him and see what he’s doing tonight. There’s a speed dating event at the wine bar up the street. You should invite him to go.”

I stare at my roommate as if she’s lost her mind. “Why on earth would I do that?”

“You’re not trying to date him, but you admitted you should put yourself out there. Wouldn’t it be fun to see him in action with another woman? One he was flirting with, so you knew if he has ever flirted with you? What if he has been, and you’ve missed the signs?”


It’s twisted, but it’s not the worst idea in the world.

“I never said I wasn’t interested in dating him. And how the hell would speed dating alongside him get us out of the friend zone?”

Posey smirks. “Maybe seeing you in action would make him jealous enough to ask you on a date.”

I study her.

Who knew she was diabolical? “Wow. You really are twisted, do you know that?”

“What took you so long to figure it out?”

I pull open the dishwasher, then close the door again. “Hold up. I am his wingman—wouldn’t speed dating totally defeat the purpose?”

Posey groans. “Ugh. You’re right.” She taps a nail against her chin.