All right. She might win this argument. Unused to a refusal or loss in this camp, Micah grated, “You will answer me, Vee.”

“Nah. I’d rather be beaten.” She blew him a kiss. “So do it. Beat me. Do your worst. Then prepare yourself. Because I’ll do my worst.”

Oh yes. She’d won. Micah deflated, unwilling to harm her to get what he wanted. “Tell me something at least!”

With haughty disdain, she flicked her scarlet mane over a shoulder. “You could try answering one of my questions and see if it helps your cause.”

What could she possibly wish to know? He gave a clipped nod. “Ask.”

“Why did you give me those jewels?”

He frowned. Of everything she could have asked, why address such a trivial matter? And admit the truth and listen to the flawless beauty laugh at the scarred beast tamer? Tone flat, he told her, “Because I was a teenage boy, and you were the only female in the vicinity.” Nothing false about that statement. “Why else?”

The way she blanched...

He wished to snatch the words from her ears. Suddenly weary, he asked, “Why are you here, Red?” Why now? Had she searched for him the way he’d once searched for her?

She hiked her shoulders in a negligent shrug. “The answer doesn’t concern you. I won’t be staying long.”

Doesn’t concern me? He ground his teeth. So. She hadn’t been searching for him and might not know Kaysar. Not if she planned to leave. Two queries answered, at least. What if she had killed the trees?

“I’m king here,” he snapped, “my word is law. You’ll stay as long as I desire.”

He didn’t have to worry she’d do any flittering. Though he’d lost his palace, he’d retained his stockpile of tollo. The campground itself. The special dirt covered the ground, nullifying certain fae abilities. Unless, of course, you wore an amplio stone. Or power restorer. Which he did. In his wrist cuff. So did every commander in his army. On their turf, they had the advantage—foes had nothing.

“Do you have a family?” he asked. People who anticipated her return?

She made a huffing noise. “Why do you want to know? So you can torture them in front of me?”

He blinked. What had those trees done to her? “Your family is safe with me. I inquire about the members merely to discover whether or not they require saving.”

“Saving? Are you kidding?” She offered a humorless laugh. “Look, if you value your people and your lands, you’ll release me. I’m serious about that. Been super-up-front with you, too. So let me go. With food. Lots and lots of food.”

No, she hadn’t killed the trees. “You fear they’ll find you.” A statement, not a question.

The tent’s entrance swished open, Norok striding inside without awaiting permission. A privilege only he and Elena enjoyed. Warren, too. Once. “I come bearing news.”

A glower darkened the warrior’s sunburned features. Red shrank back, realized what she’d done, then bristled, as if the invader had no right to occupy her space or breathe her air.

Mmm. That shrinking... The same reaction she’d exhibited with Micah. What had this girl endured throughout her life?

“Pops here took a little too much pleasure in bruising this perfect little peach.” She pointed a clawtip at Norok. “Punish him. You are king, as you like to assure me, and I am your honored guest, apparently.”

That claw. Some fae grew them, most didn’t. They usually only developed when a glamara dealt with animals or nature. So what could this girl do?

Norok raised his white brows at Micah. “A wee bit bloodthirsty for your tastes, eh?”

“Seems so.” Micah pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth. His tastes. During his years as king, he’d enjoyed a grand total of three lovers. The only fae willing to pretend to care for him—for a price.

“Tell me your news,” Micah grated, earning another scowl from Red.

“Fayette has alerted me to an upcoming meeting with Kaysar. He arrives in but a few hours.” Norok leveled his most menacing glare upon Red. “The fact that the false king is visiting the same day the oracle informed me I’d find a spy proves my suspicions. Your little Red is here to aid our enemy.”

“So beat me already,” she bellowed.

Micah pinched the bridge of his nose. Demanding a beating was her answer to fear. Noted. But what did she fear now? For the life of Kaysar, as Norok suspected? What if her threats to leave the camp had been empty?

“Sound the alarm and prepare for battle,” Micah commanded. “I’ll join you shortly.”

Norok opened his mouth to protest, no doubt, but quickly thought better of it. He nodded, as was his custom, and exited.

Silence stretched for several minutes as Micah and Red peered at one another. She had blanked her expression. An irritating turn. Part of him wished to force a reaction. To glimpse her true thoughts by any means necessary.