A swift internal debate raged, ending when he decided to test her. Would she attempt to escape—or to spy?

“You war with the Unhinged One?” she asked, wielding her don’t-care tone. Except, a slight tremor accompanied her words.

“I do. Or I will.” And what of you, little beauty? Do you align with him? We’ll find out soon enough. “Kaysar is a killer without mercy. He uses a voice of compulsion to drive those around him mad.”

Micah and his soldiers were not immune. For any meeting, they must consume a concoction to temporarily deafen themselves.

Red licked her lips, and Micah stifled a groan. “He sounds dangerous,” she said. “Will you strike at this scourge?”

He opted for honesty. “Not unless he strikes first. My truce with him lasts another five weeks.” Then... Oh, then. The things he planned for Kaysar and his queen... Micah grinned, and it must have been a terrifying sight.

His companion jolted and eased back, fluttering a hand over her throat. “I should wait here while you prepare for your meet and greet, yes? We can finish our interrogation upon your return.”

Suddenly so willing. “Agreed. You’ll stay in my tent.” If she exited the dwelling for any reason, his most capable spy would know it.

“Well? What are you waiting for?” She shooed him off. “Go, go! Don’t let the tent flap hit you on your way out.”

Before he’d taken a step, her stomach growled, loudly. His cheeks reddened. Thrice she’d mentioned food, and thrice he’d ignored her.

Do no harm to the innocent. Protect what’s yours. Always do what’s right. Never be without a backup plan.

“I’ll have food brought to you immediately.” Cursing himself, Micah stalked to his armory. He sheathed two short swords at his back and a handful of daggers at his side, then drew on his hooded cloak. He headed for the door. “Vee, I’ll share an unshakable truth with you, in case you haven’t realized it yet. I can be a powerful ally...or a terrible enemy. As you are fond of telling me, the choice is yours.”


VIORI BUSTLED THROUGH the tent, searching every nook and cranny for weapons. Frustration whipped her. She pried one of the chests open, revealing tunics and leather pants, but failed to open the others. A song would awake the stubborn locks, but why use up precious energy? Or risk being observed at such a crucial time?

Micah and Kaysar. At war. For reasons. A fraying truce. What to do, what to do? Think!

Summon her children to destroy the campground and everyone in it? A gift to Kaysar and her act of apology. But what if her brother wished to spare certain individuals? And why put her darlings in harm’s way? For the time being, Micah assumed they were dead.

If Kaysar suffered harm because she didn’t act?

She paced at a clipped speed, wringing her hands. Soon, her brother would arrive in this camp. The only fae she longed to see and hold with every fiber of her being. But she hadn’t yet earned the right. She should leave, yes? At least for a little while. He was strong. Beyond strong. No one could harm him, not even Micah. After she figured out a plan of action, she could return if needed. Better not to stay and tempt fate. But...

Would Kaysar even recognize her?

What if he didn’t?

Perhaps she should stay, just in case he required backup. She just... She...didn’t know. According to Micah, the ceasefire expired in five weeks. And, judging by the ruthless smile he displayed when he’d spoken of the end, he expected violence and relished the thought.

He must be stopped.

Pops had called her a spy. Why not oblige him? Stick around, listen and learn, then sabotage Micah’s schemes against Kaysar.

Her brother mattered to her. The people here did not. They were pre-enemies. Those who hadn’t yet had an opportunity to turn on her. But they would, if she let them. Only a matter of time.

Why hadn’t she listened to her brother’s warning?

The tent flap lifted, and she shrank back, startled. An array of fae and humans swept inside. Servants. Each carried something. Food. Buckets. Clothes. Tension eased from Viori as the most amazing aromas wafted to her nose. Succulent spices. Tender meats. Hunger pangs nearly doubled her over.

Garments were draped over the pallet of furs. A pink gown. A gold gown. Matching scarves. Oh wow. A nightgown and delicate underthings.

Her breath caught. Did Micah expect to see her in the scantier apparel?

No one glanced her way or spoke. They ignored her so completely, she wondered if she were invisible. Micah’s orders? Someone tidied the table, moving the maps, while others arranged the meal. An assortment of breads, cheeses, meats and fruits. Things not typically found in the Dusklands.

Do not elbow the staff and shovel in the buffet!

Liquid splashed, pulling her attention from the feast. Oh, wow. The buckets overflowed with clear, steaming water—water the servants were transferring into the tub. Buckets and buckets and buckets. Of water. Hot water. For bathing. In the Dusklands. Here, water was so rare. So precious. And warm water? Unfathomable!