The bars were made of iron.
Swearing like a drunken sailor, Zamorra lashed out, kicking the bars with all her strength. They didn’t budge, didn’t move an inch. “Damn it,” she cursed, giving it one last kick out of frustration.
She called on the power of her werewolf, hoping that with the boost she could bust her way out, but nothing happened. There was no surge of extra power in her body like she was used to feeling when she tapped into her werewolf’s power.
She frowned.
Are you blocking me or something?Zamorra asked her werewolf.
The entity didn’t respond.
Oi. Zamorra snapped, annoyed.This isn’t the time for one of your silly little tantrums. We’re in a real situation here. Quit it and answer me.
Again she was met with silence.
Zamorra felt the almighty presence of her werewolf in her mind but when she reached out to try and communicate with her, it was like she couldn’t touch her, like something was blocking her ability to interact with her, to talk with her and access her power.
“Argh, what the fuck is going on right now?!” she growled, throwing her hands in the air. She looked around the room again and frustration flared inside her. She hated…despisedbeing caged. She needed to get out—and now.
The pixie flew to her side, her bright red hair flowing in the wind.
“Can you use your magic to get us out of here?”
Zamorra wasn’t sure what the extent of Navi’s abilities were, but she did know it was more than what she possessed right now. If anyone could get her out of here right now, it was the pixie.
Navi shook her head and zoomed to the iron bars at the front of the room. Green magic appeared between her fingers and with a flick of her wrist she sent her magic flying to attack the bars. A force field of bright white lightning materialised; the pixie’s magic clashed against it before it evaporated into thin air.
Zamorra lowered her brows in a confused frown. She stepped closer and being super careful not to touch the iron, stuck her hand in the free space between the bars and recoiled in pain when the force field reappeared.
“Fuckity fuck fuck!” she cursed, shaking out her hand. “They’ve laced the whole damn place with magic. Do you think that’s why I can’t reach my were? The magic is blocking our connection somehow?”
Tapping a finger to her chin in thought, Navi thought on it for a moment before finally nodding.
“Fucking mages,” Zamorra grumbled.
She paced up and down the tiny cell, trying to come up with some sort of plan to get herself out of this mess, but her knowledge of magic was extremely limited. She had no idea how to counter or disable it.
A loud clunk, followed by the sound of metal being dragged across the ground, reached Zamorra’s ears. Heavy footsteps echoed just outside her cell and her defences instantly rose.
“Navi, douse the magic and hide, quickly,” she hissed under her breath, barely above a whisper. The pixie recalled her magic, encasing the room in darkness once again and vanished from sight.
If she was going to escape this hellhole, Navi’s presence needed to remain hidden until the right moment. She was her best chance of getting out of here.
A single light switched on right outside her cell a second before the bane of her existence appeared. With a face full of smugness, Barnabas stared at her through the iron bars, silver swirling in his steely blue eyes. A step behind him stood a woman with light brown hair, her heart-shaped face filled with exhaustion and despair.
“Hello, youngin,” his smooth, honeyed voice made her skin crawl. “I hope your new accommodations aren’t too uncomfortable for you.”
Zamorra scoffed. “Right, ‘cause sticking someone in a dank, dirty cell barely big enough to move around just screams comfort.”
“Once you’ve learned your place and shown me the respect I’m due, you’ll be given something a little more hospitable.”
“Oh, shove it up your ass and twerk it, old man.”
Anger flashed on Barnabas’ face and he shook his head in annoyance. “I am definitely going to enjoy beating that attitude out of you.”
“Why don’t you let me outta here and we can start on that right now?” Zamorra said sweetly, cracking her knuckles.