If he thought she was going to be an easy target, he had another thing coming.
Chuckling under his breath, Barnabas smirked. “All in good time youngin, all in good time. First things first.” He motioned for the woman behind him to step forward with two fingers and she followed his command without question, keeping her head down and eyes to the floor. Zamorra recognised her as the mage who opened the transportation portal that brought her here. “This is Iris. She’s here to work a little bit of her magic on you.”
Zamorra narrowed her eyes accusingly at the light mage. “Are you the one blocking the connection to my werewolf?”
Iris didn’t respond. Irritated, Zamorra snapped her fingers to try and get her attention, but she kept her gaze plastered to the ground.
“Can she not talk or something?”
“Oh, she can talk. She just knows to only speak when given permission.”
Zamorra glared. “She’s not a dog.”
“And yet, she’d bark if I told her to,” Barnabas said, laughing. He clapped his hands together. “Now, let’s get started. Iris?”
The light mage raised her head and locked eyes with Zamorra, white lightning flashing in her brown eyes. She raised a hand and Zamorra tensed, taking a step back.
“What the fuck is this? What are you doing?”
Power swirled in the air and bright white lightning flickered in Iris’ hand, slithering around her fingers like a snake and forming a small orb of magic in her palm.
Cursing, Zamorra tried to reach for her werewolf again, but nothing happened. She crouched in a defensive position and prepared for the attack. Without her werewolf, she was as slow as a human but maybe she would get lucky. Maybe Iris had pisspoor aim.
Maybe not.
Iris lobbed the orb through the iron bars and despite being ready for it, Zamorra was too slow to get out of the way. There wasn’t a hell of a lot of room to manoeuvre in there, either.
The ball of magic hit her in the stomach and immediately immobilised her, freezing her on the spot. The mage’s hand glowed white as she waved it through the air and the force field protecting the cell doors blinked out of existence.
Reaching into his pocket, Barnabas produced a set of keys, handing them over to Iris. With shaky hands, Iris unlocked the cell and swung the cage doors open wide enough for Barnabas to stride through without making contact with the iron.
Zamorra watched on, frozen in place and unable to move any part of her body except her eyes. Anger ripped through her as she trailed Barnabas with a fiery gaze, thinking about all the ways she would maim him if given the chance.
Chopping off his dick and shoving it down his throat until he choked on it seemed like the best one to her.
Barnabas stopped in front of her and smirked. “I bet if you could you’d beat the shit out of me right now, huh?”
Zamorra narrowed her eyes. Oh, he didn’t know the half of it. She could beextremelycreative when she wanted to be. Especially when it came to hurting people.
A douchebag in high school pulled her pants down in front of the entire school at assembly once. As revenge, she tied him up butt naked in a tree, dangling upside down by his ankles and left him there until he peed all over himself.
Barnabas laughed and patted her on the head like a damn dog. “I’m looking forward to when I can finally see exactly what you’re capable of. Until then...Iris?” He stepped back and the light mage took his place.
Panic flooded her body. What was this bitch planning to do? Fuck, she never wanted her werewolf more than she did right in this moment.
Zamorra tried again to move, to somehow pull herself out of the strange, magical confinement she was in, but it was no use. All she wanted to do was scream.
Iris studied Zamorra for a moment and unease flitted across her face. She looked hesitantly at Barnabas.
“Speak,” he bit out, not even bothering to look at her.
“The spell—” her voice quivered as she spoke, hands shaking at her side, “the spell required to do what you want is intense. Painful. Excruciatingly so.”
Iris faltered. “A-and there’s a chance she may not survive it.”
Barnabas took a threatening step forward, his eyes flashing silver, and Iris shrunk back in fear, almost colliding with Zamorra’s frozen form. He reached forward and gripped her by the hair roughly. “For your daughter's sake, she better.”