Page 130 of Cosmic Power

There was still a part of him that was enraged by the fact that a small group of them had managed to sneak onto his land and steal the silver-haired shifter right out from under his nose. He was having fun cutting into her skin. It had been a long time since he had encountered resistance like that. He’d almost forgotten what it was like.

Along with the shifter, they’d kidnapped three others after they’d been forced from the planet Earth. A vampire, a mage, and…

Just the thought of the demon made his hearts pound in his chest, made hisyerinswell three times its size in his robes. To say he was stunned by his body’s reaction to the red-skinned demon was not an accurate enough description.

He didn’t care about females. He used them for what he wanted and then discarded them once he was done. And he never,nevertook any other than a fae. Which was why he was so surprised to realise he wanted the demon. Craved her touch. Wanted to find out how tightly hervorcacould squeeze hisyerin.

Despite his rough treatment, fae females still threw themselves at him every solar rotation, hoping they’d be the ones to finally make him select a queen.

He never would. He didn’t need a queen. He would never share the power and control he’d spent his life amassing. It was his, and his alone.

Yet as he thought of the pretty little demon locked away in the dayroom, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have her at his side.

She was a vicious little thing. Full of fire and spirit. Power and strength. She had a foul mouth on her, but instead of angering him, he found it humorous. Her hair was as dark as his hearts, pitch black. Same as her eyes. And he couldn’t deny the thought of those sharp, black claws she possessed scratching into his skin as he pounded into her, making hisyerinthicken with anticipation. She had a soft, angelic face, which clashed with her demonic exterior.

It was then he decided he would have her. However, she was repulsed by him. She spat and cursed him every time he was in her presence, but that wouldn’t deter him. Vladik was not interested in forcing another into joining. Which meant he would have to gain her trust first.

That was fine. He liked the chase. The game. He would whisper sweet nothings into her ear until she melted before him, begging for him to take her. And then, he would. Savagely.

His demon and the silver-haired shifter were the only ones not to break under his torment. The vampire and the mage had crumbled shortly after he’d made his first cut. They sang like ajurlingbird, telling him all about their world. The way their society worked, their defences and most importantly, where the majority of the mages could be located.

Mages were far too powerful to be allowed to live. Their ability to manipulate their magic was worrisome. It was why, after he watched Alterra all those years ago before he attacked, he went straight for the mages, killing as many of them as he could before they even realised what was happening, to tip the war in his favour.

And it had worked.

Now, he was preparing to do the same thing to the Earthians.

Vladik looked out at his warriors one last time before he turned, heading back into his quarters. He ignored the naked fae female in his bed and marched towards his golden armour, dressed on the wooden rack.

“My King,” the fae female purred, trying to entice him by running a hand down her pale skin right towards hervorca.“Surely you have more need of me?”

He surely did not. He’d gotten what he wanted from her body. “Leave,” he barked, slowly slipping his armour on. “I have a battle to prepare for.”

Fena pouted, her rosy lips turning up in a small frown. They’d been together numerous times. She knew what he liked, and she was good at sucking hisyerininto that hot, sweet mouth. But that was all she was good for.

However, he feared that by letting her stay after they’d joined, he had made her assume there was more going on between them than there was. If he hadn't fallen asleep, he would have kicked her out like all the other times.

Ignoring her grumbles of protest, Vladik finished strapping on his armour, grabbed his swords and left, heading for the dayroom. He wanted to see his little demon before he left to destroy her world.

* * *

Lilith tuggedon her restraints for the millionth time, hoping somehow over the last few hours they’d loosened.

They hadn’t. And that just pissed her off even more.

She wasn’t sure how long she’d been stuck in this stupid room for. A day? Two? No. It had to be longer. You’d think after being imprisoned by Barnabas for fifteen years, a few days would mean nothing to her.

Well, it did.

She was sick and tired of being held captive. Of having no rights. No privacy. No say in her life. She was really fucking over it.

Her head thumped back against the wood. She was exhausted from trying to rip her limbs from the stupid wooden X she was strapped to. Her tail flicked aggressively and she tried to use it to reach the shackles around her wrists and ankles. She was able to touch it, but whatever metal they’d used was too strong for her to break.

Lilith roared in outrage, thrashing as much as her restrained body would allow. Why the fuck were they even keeping her alive? What was the point? She’d made it pretty fucking clear to the fae king she had no intention of sharing any information with him. She’d rather die than rat out her people, her world.

Thinking of the fae king made an unwanted burst of heat rush through her body.

Goddamn it.