Why, out of all the beings in both this worldandhers, was she reacting to him? Sure, he was attractive. Okay, ‘attractive’ was putting it mildly. He was…the most beautiful creature she’d ever seen. There was something almost ethereal about him, like he wasn’t of this world. Any world. He had a perfectly symmetrical face with full lips, a strong jaw and high cheekbones, dazzling purple eyes, long white hair and a body built for sin. Sin and sex.
Her pussy had downright throbbed just by looking at him. And she hated herself for it. He was getting ready to invade her world. Enslave her people. How could she possibly want him?
The door behind her opened and she tensed. Her head swivelled from side to side, trying to get a glimpse of who stepped into the death room. That’s what she called it, since there was no other way to describe it. The room reeked of death. So many souls had perished in this room. She could sense them, fighting to find peace.
Lilith didn’t think they ever would.
As a demon, her main source of nutrition was souls. Human, vampire, shifter…it didn’t matter. A soul was a soul, and they weretasty. She had the ability to pull a soul from their body with a single thought. It was something unusual for her kind, but she’d always been able to do it, ever since she was child. Taking a soul from someone went one of two ways. They either died, or they lived as a soulless being—which was a big no no in demon society. Soulless beings were capable of committing atrocious acts that put their world in jeopardy.
If a human or supernatural bartered their soul in a deal with a demon, it meant their death.
The fae king stepped into view and Lilith locked down her emotions tight.
Fuck, he was such a beautiful sight.
He wore his gold armour, the metal shining brightly in the well-lit room, two powerful swords strapped to his back and another at his waist. His white hair was left to flow freely, with a few thick strands braided intricately back. His gold crown sat snugly on his head, his pointed ears just poking over the top. He looked like beauty and death all rolled into one.
There was so much power emanating from him, swirling around him. The feel of it all brushing against her skin made her breath hitch.
The fae king smirked, sensing her reaction to his power, and she glared. Which made him chuckle.
Fucking hell.
“Morelexa, how are you today?”
There was that damn word again. He’d called her that before and she still had no idea what the fuck it meant. She noticed the fae had their own language. Like their looks, it sounded ethereal, like beautiful angelic sounds not meant for her ears. His voice held such a musical note to it that she honestly thought she could fall asleep to that deep, rumbly note.
“How the fuck do you think I am?” she snarled, annoyed with herself for finding his voice soothing. “You’ve got me chained up in here like a fucking animal.”
The fae king tutted, such an Earthly trait that she was surprised by it. “This is not how we treat our beasts,” he said conversationally, circling her. “If you like, I can show you the difference.”
No, she didn’t fucking like. “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll pass.”
“Shame,” he breathed, his lips suddenly right next to her ear. She sucked in a breath at his sudden close proximity. How the fuck did he do that? “I’d love nothing more than to lead you around by a leash while you crawl behind me.”
And que pussy throbbing.
Lilith felt an intense need to clench her thighs, but it was impossible thanks to the fucking contraption she was strapped to.
“You’re insane,” she hissed, fighting her sexual attraction.
“Yes,” the fae king chuckled, “I most certainly am.” He ran a finger down her arm, making her shudder and goosebumps pebble over her skin. “Tell me,Morelexa, how long do you plan to fight this connection between us?” He moved around her again, caressing her in random places with a featherlight touch that made her question whether or no she actually felt it. Her cheek, her stomach, her hand, her thigh.
Each touch made her shiver. God, if he was capable of eliciting this type of reaction from her with just a few touches, what could he do with her whole body?
Lilith slammed a door on that thought. She couldn’t think that way. He was going to destroy her world. Kill everyone she knew. Her loved ones. Friends. There was no way she would succumb to him.
“For as long as I live,” she snarled, snapping her teeth at him. He reared back, managing to just avoid her bite. “My body might want you, but my mind doesn’t. I’m repulsed by you. Your touch makes me sick,” she spat.
He tilted his head to the side, studying her closely. “Yes, I suspect that’s true. For now. You will change your mind.”
“No, I won’t!”
“Yes, you will.”
Lilith gasped, eyes snapping wide. Those words had come from inside her head. His lips hadn’t moved an inch. “How-how did you—”
“The fae possess the ability to project their words and thoughts into the mind of another,”he said into her mind, his voice still holding that deep, ethereal note to it.“Make no mistake, Morelexa, I want you. So, I will have you. You will hold onto your pride for as long as you can, but by the time I return, you will be begging for my touch. For it will be the only thing that will relieve you of the ache between your thighs.”