Page 50 of Tempting Darkness

They didn’t reply straight away, so I continued to the obstacle course and walked over to where they were stretching.

“Who did?” came their reply.

“Some dick called Deacon. They will get bored eventually and leave me alone,” I replied when my tablet was plucked from my grip. I looked up to see Tobias glaring at me.

“No distractions. Now, get out there,” he snapped at me.

I went to ask if I could sit out, but he growled, so I dropped my head and started running. My stomach was sloshing from all the water I drank, making me regret that stupid idea to curb my hunger.Lesson learned.

The demons were shoving and pushing as I tried to remain on the track. Running out of breath because bile rushed up to my throat, I pulled off to the side and threw up again. Zac sniggered as he passed me and nudged me.

“Can’t hack it, Aleera?” he taunted before I threw up again.

“Aleera!” Tobias called, and I looked up, hoping he would say I could go inside. He pointed to the track, and my shoulders sagged as I turned around. My surroundings spun, and I found the heat made it increasingly difficult to breathe.

The ground felt like it was moving under my feet, and I felt delirious as I stumbled back onto the track.

My harsh, labored breathing rang in my head along with my heartbeat when I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head. I knew I’d hit the ground, but I felt nothing, no pain, nothing as darkness swallowed me.

Someone was tapping my face, my ears were ringing, and I could hear a faint voice calling my name. The sun shone through the backs of my eyelids, and I blinked, dazed, only to look into the eyes of Tobias.

He turned my face from side to side before prying my eyelids open when I closed them. “Yep, you’re done for the day,” he said, scooping me up in his arms.

I kept going in and out of consciousness, but I was soon inside, the air-conditioning making me shiver after spending hours in the blistering sun.

“What happened?” I heard Darius ask, and I blinked open my eyes to find I was back in my room. Darius shut the door while Tobias placed me on the bed. I could hear them talking but paid no attention.

“Heatstroke, maybe?” Tobias said.

“She complained about being sick in class. She looked pale then, too.”

“So, you forced her to my class?” Tobias snapped when I felt his teeth sink into my wrist. I groaned, hoping he wouldn’t take much. I was already light-headed enough.

“Anything?” Darius asked.

“No, not poison, but her iron is a little low. I had noticed that over the last few days.”

Darius sighed when the door opened again.

“Lycus said she fainted,” I heard Kalen’s voice. I couldn’t remember seeing Lycus, but then again, I didn’t remember the walk to the room either.

“Where is he?”

“Making her something to eat,” Kalen answered before the bed dipped beside me. He brushed my hair from my face and leaned over me. “You okay?” he asked, and I shook my head. My stomach was beginning to cramp like I had a stitch.

The door opened again, and I knew it was Lycus this time.

“I need to get to class, but I will see you tonight after dinner,” Tobias said, making me wonder where he was going. “Oh, I almost forgot her tablet.”

“Why do you have it?”

“Confiscated it. She was using it when she came out,” Tobias said, and I heard the door close as he left.

“Fine!” Lycus says, sounding angry.

“What’s wrong with you?” Darius asked him.

“Later, not now.” I looked at Lycus as he sat beside me before Kalen helped me sit up. I leaned heavily against him, and Lycus placed a plate of tomato and cheese sandwiches on my lap, cut into triangles.